Thomas Ostapchuk

Canadian guy finding everything great outdoors.

Windsurf at Cherry Beach

Toronto, Ontario

Climb at the Motherlode in Red River Gorge

Beattyville, Kentucky
1.2 mi

Hike to Cataract Falls at Forks of the Credit Provincial Park

Caledon, Ontario
1.9 mi

Hike the Walter Bean Grand River Trail (Section 1-2)

Ayr, Ontario
4.3 mi / 100 ft gain

Photograph the Toronto Skyline from Polson Pier

Toronto, Ontario

Hike to Lac La Plagne in the French Alps

Tignes, France
7.5 mi / 1968.5 ft gain

Paddle to the Devil's Door on the French River

Killarney, Ontario

Photograph the Sunset at Killbear Provincial Park

Killbear Park, Ontario

Hike the Bruce Peninsula to the Grotto

Tobermory, Ontario
5.7 mi / 190.3 ft gain

Stroll the Lions Lake Trail

Floradale, Ontario
4.3 mi