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Little Lost Cove Creek Waterfalls

Linville, North Carolina

based on 1 reviews



3.72 miles

Elevation Gain

866 ft

Route Type



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Little Lost Cove Creek Waterfalls is an out-and-back trail that takes you by a waterfall located near Collettsville, North Carolina.
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Little Lost Cove Creek Waterfalls Reviews

If you're a fan of waterfalls, a little hiking, and a bit of adventure, this short trek is definitely worth the time to visit if you're in or near the Linville, NC area. The falls are nestled in a lush forest (in summer anyway), and the hike to get there is as rewarding as the waterfalls. The trail is a little steep in a few areas, so for beginner hikers it may be a bit more of a challenge. It's a fairly short hike, and the views at the end is worth every step. The journey starts at the trailhead, which is conveniently located near a parking area. You'll follow the trail through the forest, with the sound of the creek to help guide you. The trail is well-marked, so you won't have to worry about getting lost. Along the way, you'll pass by some of the beautiful vegetation local to the Linville area. As you hike, you'll come across two waterfalls. The upper waterfall is a nice spot to take a breather and snap some photos. But the real showstopper is the lower waterfall. It's a long, smooth slide over a steep rock face, and it's truly a sight to behold. To reach the lower waterfall, continue down the primitive trail. It leads you down the bank below the waterfall. Cross the creek and climb the boulders for the best view. The waterfall is over 60' high and flows sideways down the massive rock. There are also pink and blue trail markers that indicate where to turn right off the trail down a steep decline to reach the bottom of the falls. There's currently a rope to help you down and up. Be careful if it is wet soil or it has recently rained. There is also some great rainbow and striped trout fishing downstream from the waterfalls. Go further down to find slower water flow away from the falls. Fishing license required and be sure to check the current regulations for trout fishing in the area. Here are some directions that may help guide you there: From the Blue Ridge Parkway at mile post 311.1, turn onto SR1518 (Old Jonas Ridge Rd). Follow this road, which starts as gravel but turns to pavement. After 1.7 miles, continue straight past Long Ridge Baptist church onto the gravel FR464. Drive 4 miles and turn onto FR464A. If you have a high-clearance vehicle, you can drive 0.8 miles to a campsite, otherwise, park here and walk. From the campsite, follow the old road (FR464A) for about half a mile. Listen for the sound of the creek and look for a mossy, stony area where the trail widens. A short distance after this, a side trail leads steeply down to the upper falls.

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