Kelsie Collins

This was definitely not my favorite hike i have done. I went how the link said so i went left to boardtree falls. It was very rocky i think if i knew how it was i would have of just gone right straight to greeter falls. Getting to greeter falls from boardtree was steep and very rocky and not as marked so they were times i was double checking to make sure i was still on the path. Once i got to greeter falls a family i saw leaving when I was starting down the path made a big mess of trash. The spiral starcase was a little scary so if you have a bigger dog be mindful. It looked like the straircase was the only way down to the bottem of the falls. The top of the falls was easy to get to. Going back there is 2 flights of stairs and they are the medal ones that you can see threw. I know if i brought my bigger dog he would not of walked on it. My little dog never has problems with stairs or stairs like these but she freaked over these.

This was a great and easy hike. The falls were mostly dried up though. It was still really pretty. It took me about two hours to do it. I had my dogs with me and they liked it. There are two bridges. The wood one isnt bad but the medal ones stairs are very steep,and I had to carry my big dog up them. Someone else I passed dog wouldnt go on the medal bridge at all.

This hike was great! It is really easy to park and had multple parking spaces. There is multiple paths to get down to the waterfalls/river so its not to crowded. I would recommend bringing a bathing suit. There are many areas where you can swim or just put your feet in the water. My dogs loved it and were able to climb up and down the embankment. Definitely a great place to bring your family to see and hang out.

The weather was very nice spring weather. Only a little muddy in some spots. There were a couple of trees blocking the path so I had to climb over them.