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Brooke Willson

24 years old, currently living in Central Alberta. Having obtained my Social Worker Degree, I am currently employed as a FT Youth Worker and Resiliency Coach at a K-8 school in my home town. Working school hours has its benefits, as I am able to spend every weekend as well as holidays and summer months out adventuring, exploring and traveling. Kayaking, hiking, biking, running, photography and camping are some of my favourite activities. Also living so close to the Rocky Mountains I am blessed with endless trails, scenery and opportunity to explore. With 14 countries under my belt I want to and will continue to explore our beautiful world on an International level.

Lanikai Pillboxes (Kaiwa Ridge) Trail

Kailua, Hawaii
1.76 mi / 686 ft gain

HIke to Barrier Lake Lookout

Kananaskis, Alberta

Hike Alberta's Mount Baldy

Kananaskis, Alberta

Hike Pigeon Mountain

Canmore, Alberta

Hike Opal Ridge's South Summit

Kananaskis, Alberta