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Ben Langholz

After the first 2 or 3 hours of walking you get out of the crowded areas and the scenery becomes absolutely stunning. Over 3-5 days you can climb to the top of some of Japan's highest peaks and be quite alone for hours at a time (rare in Japan). The trails actually get fun and challenging at points. Lots of metal ladders up vertical rock sections and even pegs stuck in the rock. You never have to do any real rock climbing so it's still relaxed. But you'll see tons of people carrying full mountaineering gear for some reason. Tent camping is free to 1000 yen depending where and usually has running water and a real toilet. There are "huts" you can stay and eat at but they are expensive 10,000 yen a night. If you don't stay there don't count on eating anything other then lunch at huts. The map you can buy at the town is super good. No ATM in the town, or any real supplies (especially good backpacking food) but tons of restaurants and onsens.