Barry Holloway

Life long explorer of the world around me. Travels have taken me to all 50 states, Canada, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, Austria, Germany, Italy, Slovenia, Hungary, Iceland, and Ecuador. Many adventures in the western US, but beginning to explore foreign countries.

Mountain Bike the Box Turtle and Tall Oaks Trails

Chesterfield, Virginia
9.5 mi / 345 ft gain

Mountain Bike the Morel Ravine and Little West Virginia Trails

Chesterfield, Virginia
9 mi / 340 ft gain

Mountain Bike the Lakeview Trails in Pocahontas State Park

Chesterfield, Virginia
12.5 mi / 850 ft gain

Visit Hvítserkur

Vatnsnesvegur, Iceland
0.5 mi / 0 ft gain

Hike to Olpererhütte in the Austrian Alps

Schwaz, Austria
4 mi / 1969 ft gain

Hike the San Luis Trail in Cajas National Park

E582, Ecuador
2.5 mi / 1000 ft gain

Hike Redcloud and Sunshine Peaks

Lake City, Colorado
12 mi / 4800 ft gain

Photograph Statons Creek Falls

Vesuvius, Virginia

Explore Borgarvirki Fortress

Borgarvegur, Iceland
0.5 mi / 75 ft gain