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Alex Skinner

This is a great loop trip and probably one of the best trails in the park. The views are incredible and the scenery is dynamic and varied. Definitely a lot of work but the trip is worth it. My recommendation, however, would be to do the reverse loop: start at the Sol Duc trailhead and go to Heart Lake (or another nearby campsite since permits can be tight), then Lunch Lake, then hike out past Deer Lake. Campsites are great and the loop in this way (based on trail grade and distance) is a little less strenuous and splits up the difficulty of the trail a little better (although this doesn't make the journey "easy" by any means). Fall is also a great time to go if you can get a break in the weather as the temperatures cool enough to keep you from frying on the exposed ridges and more importantly keep the bugs at bay. Any way you can get to this trail is worth it though, and there is a lot to see at any time of the year.