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5 Places Your Mountain Bike Can Take You

By: Vincent Stokes + Save to a List

Sometimes you just need to get away from it all. The stress of work, family, and financial burdens can wreak havoc on one's mental state, but let's be honest; not all of us can afford to pack up and go on vacation every time life packs a punch. Fortunately, there's a way to escape your problems (momentarily at least), connect with nature, and even exercise at the same time. That may sound impossible, but those are just a few of the perks of owning a mountain bike and hitting the trails for exploration. There are tons of opportunities for adventure out there that don't involve getting on a plane; all you need to do is hop on your mountain bike and ride! Below are just a few examples of places your mountain bike can take you, spanning from coast to coast.

1. Northeast- East Coast Greenway

The East Coast Greenway is perfect for those who wish to explore the entire East Coast; this lengthy 3,000 mile trail stretches all the way from Maine to Florida. Though the trail is not quite finished yet, it is certainly possible to ride the entire path.A biker beginning in the Northeast can enjoy views of lush forests that evolve into sandy beaches and palm trees. Bikers who want to experience America's diverse climate and scenery need only plan out their trip on this winding East Coast trail to cruise through the shade and soak up the sun.

2. South-Long Leaf Trace

While this forty-one mile ride is significantly shorter than the East Coast Greenway, this smooth track provides the perfect setting for a leisurely, day-long bike trip (Complex Magazine). For the outdoors-inclined, there are plenty of opportunities for hunting and fishing nearby as well.

3.Midwest-Elroy-Sparta State Trail

Nothing truly evokes the spirit of the Midwest like rolling farmland and thick, beautiful forests. This 32.5 mile Wisconsin trail captures all that and more through its converted railroad path that passes through many small towns and even travels through three winding tunnels to add more excitement (elroy-sparta-trail.com).

4. West- Springwater Corridor

According to Oregon's car insurance requirements, every driver is responsible for minimum car insurance overages such as bodily injury and property damage (geico.com). Eliminate risk and travel through the West Coast through biking the beautiful Springwater Corridor. This scenic trail ends in the town Boring, Oregon, but this route is anything but boring! Bikers will explore environmental elements such as "wetlands, buttes, and agricultural fields.”. Venturing down this trail ensures the company of wildlife such as deer and many species of birds. Nature lovers and adventure-seekers alike will discover why Oregon is known for its biking trails after exploring the Springwater Corridor.

5. Everywhere!

Have bike, will travel. This slight twist on a perhaps cliched proverb proves to be true through several trails that cross America in every direction, giving the biker the opportunity to explore many different regional aspects and features of our beautiful, diverse land. For example, the TransAmerica Trail runs from Virginia's coast and ends at the Pacific. Not only is this trail a fantastic opportunity to explore a myriad of states, its rich history will make any biker proud to ride it. The Trans-America trail was established in 1976 to commemorate the US's 200th birthday. Looking for a real challenge? Take a shot at the Great Divide bike trail that stretches from Alberta, Canada all the way down to New Mexico, but be forewarned, this trail is not for the faint of heart. This grueling, mostly off-road beast is sure to be a battle for even the most experienced bikers as it at some points gains more than 200,000 feet of elevation.

What are you doing still reading this? Get on your bike and get exploring!

We want to acknowledge and thank the past, present, and future generations of all Native Nations and Indigenous Peoples whose ancestral lands we travel, explore, and play on. Always practice Leave No Trace ethics on your adventures and follow local regulations. Please explore responsibly!

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