• United States
  • Washington
  • Washington

    Top Spots in and near Washington

    • Concrete, Washington

      Climb Mt. Baker via the Easton Glacier Route

      16 mi / 7600 ft gain
      The Easton Glacier route is one of the mountain’s most popular and likewise, most crowded. Check out Mt. Baker’s Squak Glacier route or Coleman Deming Glacier route for an alternative climb with similar difficulty.You’ll start out at Schreibers Meadow Trailhead (3,200 ft.). To get there, exit off...
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    • Camas, Washington

      Explore Camas Pothole Falls

      0.5 mi / 0 ft gain
      This is on the Round Lake Loop trail and there’s a free parking area. It’s a relatively in and out hike that is family friendly but does have some downhill scrambles. Be careful when jumping as there has been fatalities in the past but as long as you’re practicing safe swimming you’ll be okay. 
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    • Friday Harbor, Washington

      Hike to Young Hill

      1.2 mi / 650 ft gain
      From the main parking lot at English camp, follow the wide path east and cross West Valley road to the trailhead of Young Hill. The trail switchbacks several times and leads you past the English Camp cemetery. Continue left on the main trail through the forest of Pacific Madrone trees until you r...
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    • Lopez Island, Washington

      Hike to Spencer Spit

      1.75 mi / 60 ft gain
      It's just a short walk to the beach on this protruding point in Lopez Sound, and all downhill. Immediately upon leaving the trailhead, you come to a junction. Turn right and make a beeline straight for the picnic area at the base of the Spit.Time to explore the Spit. If the tide is high, stick to...
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    • Winthrop, Washington

      Hike to Easy Pass

      7.81 mi / 2844 ft gain
      If you're looking for a beautiful fall hike with breathtaking views and acres of golden larches, this is it. This trail provides a good workout along with miles of photogenic scenery, including glacier views at the top, making the climb well worth the effort. Easy Pass is also (arguably) one of t...
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    • Skamania County, Washington

      Hike to Adams Glacier Meadows

      7.5 mi / 1800 ft gain
      For the most of the hike, the mountain is hidden behind the firs that surround the hiker as they gain elevation. Because of the dense forest the trail is remains in for most of the hike, it is nicely shaded and pleasant to wander through. At about 2 miles in, the trail leads the hiker into variou...
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    • Ford, Washington

      Hike through Muley Canyon

      2 mi / 221 ft gain
      Just northwest of Spokane, in Ford, Washington, there is a stretch of road along the Spokane River that has a few Avista parks. These parks are not marked on the roadway and even looking at Avista's website does not give a clear description of their locations. From Spokane, Take 291 W to Charles ...
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    • Friday Harbor, Washington

      Hike to Lovers Leap on Stuart Island

      5 mi / 200 ft gain
      This hike is only doable if you are already on Stuart Island! There is no public transportation to Stuart Island, so you must already be there or have a plan to be there in order to complete this hike.I frequent this island during the summer months and it is one of my favorites. I always stay in ...
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    • Winthrop, Washington

      Bike the North Cascades Highway

      38 mi / 3500 ft gain
      The North Cascades Highway is one of the most beautiful roads in the country. A popular, but long bike ride is to ride from Marblemount on the West side of the Cascades to Mazama on the east side. But for those who aren't up for an epic ride, there is an out and back option from Mazama on east si...
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    • Deming, Washington

      Hike the Fire and Ice Trail

      0.5 mi / 100 ft gain
      Set within the Mount Baker hiking wonderland, the Fire & Ice Trail may be the easiest and most family friendly hike set within the park. About ½ mile beyond the Heather Meadows Ski Area and about a mile before Artists Point, you’ll encounter the sign for the Austin Pass Picnic Area. It’s a ra...
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    • Packwood, Washington

      Summit Castle Peak, Mount Rainier NP

      6 mi / 1400 ft gain
      Start this route at the Narada Falls Parking lot. This route starts by following Stevens Canyon Road until you arrive at Reflection Lakes after 1.5 miles. About halfway along the lakeshore a path breaks off to the right into the forest. This is a popular route so there is often a snowshoe path be...
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    • Skykomish, Washington

      Hike Mount Sawyer

      8 mi / 1200 ft gain
      This trail starts off going through the forest of fir and hemlock for the first mile. Once you reach the top of the first hill, you will get a glimpse of all the views you will have the opportunity to enjoy later on. As you descend, the trees will start to thin out. The trail follows the ridge l...
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    • Winthrop, Washington

      Hike Abernathy Peak

      9 mi / 5100 ft gain
      Abernathy Peak is one of the shortest and easiest peak on the Bulger List, as it's just a walk-up covering  around 9 miles and 5100 feet in gain. The trail to starts at the Twisp River Trail, but a few paces after the trailhead, the trail splits and you head left for Scatter Lake. The next 3.5 mi...
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    • North Bend, Washington

      Lodge Lake via PCT

      3.79 mi / 932 ft gain
      As you begin your hike up to Lodge Lake you will pass through a small forest. After about .5 miles you will come out into the open. Simply follow the path under the chairlifts as you cut across the mountain. In the summer when there is no snow on the ground you can see lots of wildflowers. If you...
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    • Loon Lake, Washington

      Kayak Deer Lake

      Deer Lake is a hidden cache of awesomeness in the mountains of eastern Washington. The lake expands a sizeable 1,146 acres, giving you plenty of room to explore with your kayak.Aside from the Deer Lake Resort and one public boat launch provided by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, t...
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    • Ronald, Washington

      Trail Run to Robin Lakes

      17 mi / 4100 ft gain
      Starting Elevation: 3400 Feet Ending Elevation: 6178 Feet Round Trip Run: 17 Miles Total Elevation Gained for the Day: 4100 FeetIt's best to drive to the trailhead the night before and camp out (I slept in my Jeep to get an early start on the next morning). The parking lots are jammed full on the...
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