• United States
  • Washington
  • Washington

    Top Spots in and near Washington

    • North Bend, Washington

      Mason Lake via Ira Spring

      6.88 mi / 2316 ft gain
      Ira Spring trail offers up great views prior to reaching the ridge that you go over to reach Mason Lake. The lake itself is an amazing sight—beautiful water with rocks and trees along the shores, making this 6.5-mile roundtrip hike well worth it. The trail to Mason Lake, the Ira Spring trail, pr...
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    • Cougar, Washington

      Mount St. Helens Summit via Monitor Ridge

      8.64 mi / 4652 ft gain
      Monitor Ridge is the "easiest" of the routes one can take in order to claim that they have stood on top of the sleeping giant better known as Mount St. Helens. This route is heavily favored over Worm Flows as the starting elevation is not only an additional 1,000 feet higher but the overall asce...
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    • Granite Falls, Washington

      Foggy Lake via Gothic Basin

      9.78 mi / 3179 ft gain
      Drive the Mountain Loop Highway to Barlow Pass and park at the pass using your Northwest Forest Pass. (In early or late season, be aware of snow conditions at the pass and, more importantly, along the trail up to Gothic Basin.) From Barlow Pass, start hiking south past the trail gate and in the ...
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    • Mason County, Washington

      High Steel Bridge

      Located about 20 minutes outside of Shelton, Washington on US Forest Service Road NF-2340.  To get there, head North on Highway 101 and exit onto W Skokomish Valley Rd. about 12 miles (or 20 minutes) after passing Shelton.   W Skokomish Valley Road will take you through a beautiful area of farml...
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    • Leavenworth, Washington

      Day Hike to Lake Ingalls

      9 mi / 2500 ft gain
      From the parking lot you start out on an old miners road that leads to the trail. Keep right at the first fork (left lead to Esmeralda Basin), then in about 2 miles, go left at the next fork (right leads to Ingalls Pass). The trail will climb steadily as you continue. In about another mile you wi...
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    • Deming, Washington

      Hike to Table Mountain via Artist Point

      3 mi / 560 ft gain
      The hike takes off from the Artist Point parking lot at an elevation of 5,220 feett.The trail slowly meanders up for a while until reaching the final steep switchbacks where you'll have a sheer cliff to your side—don't let it distract you, and keep focused on the trail in front of you!Once you've...
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    • Skykomish, Washington

      Hike to Big Heart Lake

      14.6 mi / 3300 ft gain
      This hike takes you past 5 lakes and a few different waterfalls, so if you don't wish to push on to Big Heart, you won't be disappointed! Start at the West Fork Foss River Trailhead, about 2.6 miles past the Necklace Valley Trailhead. The first mile is relatively flat. Once you reach the bridge t...
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    • Seattle, Washington

      Sunset Sail near Seattle

      Although weekend sails are available, this is one of the best ways to get a mid-week fresh air fix in Seattle.Start with a 1.5 hour sunset sail reservation with Emerald City Charters ( approx. $33 per adult). The day of your sail, pack a bag with blankets, drinks and picnic-style dinner. Catch th...
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    • Port Angeles, Washington

      Hike to Elk Mountain from Obstruction Point

      4 mi / 644 ft gain
      Olympic National Park is built for someone with a week or more to spare for backpacking deep into the heart of the park's endless miles of wilderness. Between the mountains, the coast, and the rainforest, there is a lot of park to see for someone who is trying to fit their visit into an extended ...
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    • Olga, Washington

      Hike to the Mount Constitution Summit

      7 mi / 1500 ft gain
      This 7 mile round-trip hike takes you to the mountain's summit. From here you'll be able to take in an amazing view. During the hike, you'll head around the left side of Mountain Lake, and then continue on to Twin Lakes, before starting your jaunt to the top of Mt. Constitution. The hike around ...
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    • Skamania County, Washington

      Hike to the Summit of Mount Adams via South Climb

      12 mi / 6700 ft gain
      Start by checking in at the Trout Lake Ranger station to pick up a Cascade Volcanoes pass for $10-$15. Continue the South Climb trailhead at the Cloud Cap Campground. Some hikers overnight here for an early start the next day.Sign out a wilderness permit at the trailhead and follow the South Clim...
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    • Ashford, Washington

      Hike to Rainier NP's Ranger Falls

      7 mi
      When heading to the adventure, stopped at the ranger station in Carbon to get your day pass ($5.00) and then continue on to the trailhead. Park on the road next to the Carbon river around. Start the hike down an old paved road that eventually leads through some trails and then to a gravel road. T...
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    • Marblemount, Washington

      Thornton Lakes & Trappers Peak

      10.57 mi / 3885 ft gain
      To get to your campground or to Trappers Peak, hike roughly five miles along the trail to ridge, where the trail divides. If you head left you'll go down into lake basis where you can drop your gear. Come back to the divide and head right, which will lead you up to trappers peak. Something to ke...
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    • Ashford, Washington

      Hike to Spray Park

      7 mi
      The trailhead to Spray Park begins at the Mowich Lake Campground (4,929 ft). You'll begin descending quickly for the first 0.1 miles until you reach the Wonderland Trail junction. Head left and make your way up a steady climb for the next 1.7 miles. The first stop you'll come across is Eagle Clif...
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    • Neah Bay, Washington

      Hobuck Beach

      Cape Flattery, the most northwesterly point of the lower contiguous 48 states is accessed via an easy trail which includes many board walks and sets of stairs. Maintained by the Makah Tribe of Indains, the trail provides spectacular views of the Pacific Ocean, Tatoosh Island, nearby rocky cliffs...
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    • Brinnon, Washington

      Hike to Mt. Walker North & South Viewpoints

      4 mi / 2000 ft gain
      Directions: From the Quilcene Ranger Station drive 4.6 miles south on US 101. Watch for the signs for Mount Walker View Point. Turn left onto Mount Walker Road. The trail head is about a quarter mile up the road with pull over parking on the left side of the road. In the winter and early spring, ...
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