Stevenson, Washington

Looking for the best photography in Stevenson? We've got you covered with the top trails, trips, hiking, backpacking, camping and more around Stevenson. The detailed guides, photos, and reviews are all submitted by the Outbound community.

Top Photography Spots in and near Stevenson

  • Stevenson, Washington

    Wind Mountain

    2.5 mi / 1037 ft gain
    Once you reach the parking lot, walk down the hill and find the trail head, which is easily seen as it is marked. Begin your trek up the trail. The way up is pretty much all uphill, and is a great workout for the legs. You will walk through forests and over many rocks on the way up. As soon as y...
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  • Stevenson, Washington

    Hardy and Rodney Falls

    2.17 mi / 699 ft gain
    Located along the Hamilton Mountain Trail, the Hardy and Rodney falls out and back hike is a good alternative for those looking for a shorter hike compared to the 7.6-mile hike to the top of Hamilton Mountain. From the Hamilton Mountain Trailhead, you will follow the trail through thick trees fo...
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  • Cascade Locks, Oregon

    Elowah Falls

    1.36 mi / 512 ft gain
    Multnomah Falls, which is about 5 miles from Elowah [along the Historic Columbia River Highway] takes a large portion of the crowd due to its visibility from the highway. With that said, you may get a much more deserted Elowah Falls if you decide to take the short but steep 15-minute hike to it...
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  • Cascade Locks, Oregon

    Upper McCord Creek Falls

    1.98 mi / 617 ft gain
    Starting at the John B Yeon Trailhead parking lot, begin to walk into the forest. After a little more than a quarter mile, you will see a fork in the road, with one way leading to Elowah Falls, and the other way leading to Upper McCord Creek Falls. Take the trail leading to Upper McCord Creek. Th...
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  • Stevenson, Washington

    Three Corner Rock

    3.86 mi / 1093 ft gain
    From the Rock Creek Pass Trailhead, begin the short hike to Three Corner Rock by heading south on the Pacific Crest Trail from its crossing of Road CG 2090. After a steady 1.5-mile climb of roughly 600 feet, look for a large fallen sign marking the junction to Three Corner Rock. Shortly after, an...
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  • Stevenson, Washington

    Dog Mountain via Dog Mountain Trail

    6.53 mi / 2858 ft gain
    The Dog Mountain trailhead is located halfway between Stevenson and Bingen. Look for the big signed parking area just after milepost 53 (Eastbound). The parking lot fills up quickly, especially during peak wildflower season, so if you can go on a weekday that would be better. There are 3 trails ...
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  • Stevenson, Washington

    Dog Mountain: The Steeper Route

    5.55 mi / 2858 ft gain
    If you know the Columbia Gorge, you know Dog Mountain. It's the ever-rewarding, incredibly challenging, insanely popular, calf-burning 6.5-mile hike that attracts hundreds of people every weekend, especially during May and June when the wildflowers are in full bloom.  If you're like me and you h...
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  • Cascade Locks, Oregon

    Chinidere Mountain

    3.18 mi / 1119 ft gain
    The easy version of the Chinidere Mountain hike starts Wahtum Lake Trailhead. The road to the parking lot for Wahtum Lake is paved and thus very easy to access in summer and before snowfall in autumn! The mountain sits across the lake from the parking lot and there are several trails that will ta...
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  • Cascade Locks, Oregon

    Mount Defiance

    12.55 mi / 5167 ft gain
    This hike starts at the Starvation Creek Rest Area. After parking, head west back along the shoulder of the freeway, where you’ll see a wooden sign stating “Mt. Defiance Trail.” Continue heading west along the abandoned Columbia River Highway. Keep going west as you pass the junction with the Sta...
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  • Cascade Locks, Oregon

    Lower Starvation Ridge Loop

    2.69 mi / 1001 ft gain
    Starvation Creek Falls is an impressive 190 ft. waterfall just a few feet from the parking lot. If you don't know it's there, you'll miss it. Keep walking past the restrooms, away from the trail head to see this beautiful two-tiered waterfall. There are a couple of picnic tables near the creek to...
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  • Cascade Locks, Oregon

    Starvation Creek Falls

    The Starvation Creek Falls drops 141ft down into a naturally formed bowl, cascading past a wooded picnic area and onto the Columbia River. The falls are one of the easiest falls to access in the Columbia River Gorge along with Multnomah Falls, but are far less Crowded. The short 300ft walk from t...
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  • Cascade Locks, Oregon

    Warren and Lancaster Falls

    1.89 mi / 571 ft gain
    The hike along Mt. Defiance Trail to Warren and Lancaster Falls is great if you want to get away from some of the more crowded destinations in the gorge, or just want to catch some shade during the summer. The trail is fairly easygoing, though the last 1/4th of a mile to Lancaster Falls is a bit ...
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  • Cascade Locks, Oregon

    Ponytail Falls

    0.85 mi / 463 ft gain
    Ponytail Falls is an easy 0.8 mile hike located in the gorge that begins at Horsetail Falls. After hiking up mild switchbacks, continue to your right at the first trailhead intersection. The path levels out before coming around the mountain and opening up to the waterfall. This is the easiest wa...
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  • Cascade Locks, Oregon

    Horsetail Falls Loop

    2.56 mi / 610 ft gain
    Start off on this loop from Horsetail Falls Trailhead. It never hurts to start a hike with a view of Horsetail Falls. This 2.5 mile loop will start you off on Gorge trail #400 up Horsetail Falls Trail. You’ll encounter a few switchbacks before the trail flattens out and leads you into the valley ...
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  • Cascade Locks, Oregon

    Oneonta Gorge

    0.92 mi / 531 ft gain
    *Currently closed (except a small portion of the upper trail between Multnomah Spur and Trail #444 on Larch Mountain) This hike is very short (1 mile roundtrip) but does take some time to do. The trail leads down from the road into a stream bed. You follow the stream bed upstream through ...
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  • Corbett, Oregon

    Triple Falls

    3.4 mi / 1168 ft gain
    Access to Triple Falls is currently closed. Learn more on the Forest Service Site. This hike, starting at the Oneonta Trailhead is a 3.2 mile roundtrip. You will gain approximately 600 feet in elevation as the trail often switches from moderate flat easy hiking to more difficult elevation gain a...
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