Detroit, Oregon

Looking for the best hiking in Detroit? We've got you covered with the top trails, trips, hiking, backpacking, camping and more around Detroit. The detailed guides, photos, and reviews are all submitted by the Outbound community.

Top Hiking Spots in and near Detroit

  • Foster, Oregon

    Hike the Middle Pyramid

    The Three Pyramids, half as tall as the better-known Three Sisters, are beautiful U-shaped glacial valleys, remnants of the Ice Age.To reach the top of Middle Pyramid, leave from the #3380 trailhead at the west end of the parking area. Early on there is a creek crossing (the bridge was still wash...
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  • Marion County, Oregon

    Explore Mt. Jefferson

    I went for a quick overnighter. The end of August is great for weather, very little bugs, and perfect time to meet and chat with PCT through hikers.The weather was absolutely perfect for night photography and lounging around camp. It's also one of the best views in Oregon if you ask me.If you're ...
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  • Marion County, Oregon

    Hike Mt. Jefferson's Park Ridge

    7.4 mi / 1500 ft gain
    From the Breightenbush Lake PCT trailhead (5,600ft Elevation) you hike through a thick forest until you reach an old burn area. This area was burned from a forest fire and has rebirthed lush green plants and bushes to help feed all the animals in the area. After a mile of climbing through the bur...
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  • National Forest Development Road 4220, Oregon

    Hike to Gifford Lake

    3 mi / 500 ft gain
    Set out at the Lower Lake trailhead along trail #717. After only half a mile the trail opens up to Lower Lake, with views of Olallie Butte. The trail winds around the north east side of the lake and you come to a junctions with trail #706. From here take the left onto #706 and continue about .6 o...
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  • National Forest Development Road 4220, Oregon

    Olallie Lake North Basin Loop

    12.05 mi / 2021 ft gain
    Begin at the Lower Lake Campground and take the Lower Lake trailhead. The best direction to hike is counter clockwise, however you can do either.  Continue along Trail #717 and very shortly you come out to Lower Lake featuring Mt. Jefferson as the backdrop. From here keep hiking and you reach yo...
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  • Sisters, Oregon

    Backpack to Santiam Lake via Duffy Lake Trailhead

    9.94 mi / 1362 ft gain
    You start by weaving through an old-growth forest, gaining a little elevation, appreciating the shade, before you come up out and into the alpine forest the majority of the hike will take place in.  You will quickly reach your first of many intersections within ~.1 mile into the trail. Be sure t...
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  • Sisters, Oregon

    Duffy Lake Trail

    6.92 mi / 869 ft gain
    Duffy Lake Trail is an out-and-back trail that takes you by a lake located near Idanha, Oregon.
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  • Sisters, Oregon

    Snowshoe to the Mountain View Shelter

    4 mi / 500 ft gain
    A short hike from the sno-park, the snow shelter is within an hour's reach of the trailhead. Make sure to print a trail map of the area's routes ahead of time, or take a picture of the map provided in the parking lot, as the network of trails can get you a little lost.From the parking lot, make s...
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  • Scotts Mills, Oregon

    Upper Butte Creek Falls

    0.73 mi / 308 ft gain
    From Scott Mills Follow Crooked Finger RD NE for 13.3 Miles to the Upper Butte Creek Trailhead. The last 2-3 miles or so is gravel road with some potholes but most cars shouldn't have a problem. The path down to the falls starts near the bathrooms. A short .3 mile walk on a few switchbacks and...
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  • Foster, Oregon

    Iron Mountain

    1.79 mi / 610 ft gain
    Getting There There are a couple of different routes to the summit of Iron Mountain. This adventure article focuses on the shorter but more strenuous hike to the summit of Iron Mountain. To get there, drive to the upper trailhead (Trail # 3389) via Highway 20. Take Forest Service Road (FSR) 035 ...
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  • Stayton, Oregon

    Shellburg Falls

    3.7 mi / 520 ft gain
    This hike is currently closed due to fire damage. Please check the website or the call the Oregon Department of Forestry (503-859-4344) for updates.  The hike, including the initial 1.25 mile gravel road to the trailhead, is easy to complete within 1-2 hours and only requires a modera...
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  • Jefferson County, Oregon

    Hike Canyon Creek Meadow and 3 Fingered Jack

    This hike is truly spectacular from the moment you step foot out of your car. Jack Lake lies at the beginning of the trail, and provides a beautiful sample of what's to come. Stop and take pictures if you feel so inclined, but don't stop here to camp, because it gets a LOT better!Follow the trail...
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  • Scotts Mills, Oregon

    Abiqua Falls

    0.69 mi / 115 ft gain
    This trail is unmarked and a little rough and rugged. The land is privately owned by Mount Angel Abbey, but they don't appear to have problems with courteous hikers. Walking out of the parking area back up the road in the direction you came from, you’ll pass one dirt trail right at the ending of ...
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  • Sisters, Oregon

    Three Fingered Jack Loop

    24.07 mi / 3537 ft gain
    Begin this 2-3 day backpacking trek at the Santiam Pass trailhead off Highway 20, 31 miles east of Detroit and 21 miles west of Sisters, Oregon. You can begin the loop either north on the PCT or East on trail #4014 towards Square Lake (as it is a loop) I would recommend heading east. It's a 2.2 ...
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  • Sisters, Oregon

    Hike around Clear Lake

    4 mi
    Once you arrive at Clear Lake, I suggest to start the relatively flat hike around the lake. You'll walk through a beautiful forest with peek-a-boo views of the stunning lake. The hike around the full lake may take a few hours, so if you're not staying the night, make sure you have enough time to ...
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  • Sisters, Oregon

    Backpack to Square and Booth Lakes

    8 mi / 240 ft gain
    This is an easy access, fairly short backpacking trip to a high mountain lake, which is good for kids. A super dusty, dry and smoke permeated trip to the base of Three Fingered Jack. Forest fires raging throughout the northwest poured smoke in to the entire western half of the state during this A...
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