• United States
  • Oregon
  • Bridal Veil
  • Bridal Veil, Oregon

    Top Spots in and near Bridal Veil

    • Gates, Oregon

      Opal Creek Pools Loop

      6.6 mi / 663 ft gain
      Note: this trail is closed due to fire damage. For more updates, please visit the Forest Service website.  The Opal Creek pools are a wonderful place to visit year-round, but they’re a true oasis on a hot summer day. With a variety of rock outcroppings and ledges to jump off of, and plenty of ro...
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    • Lyons, Oregon

      Cedar Flat and Kopetski Trail Loop

      9.62 mi / 958 ft gain
      On Saturday, I slid into the backseat alongside weekend belongings crammed in the car trunk. Backpacks with patches and streaks of dust. Bags of food that could be cooked over the flames of a fire. We drove south on the 5, leaving Portland and crossing through Salem, as Lake Street Dive albums p...
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    • Toutle, Washington

      Hike to the Summit of Coldwater Peak

      12.2 mi / 2000 ft gain
      While thousands of visitors come to witness the raw power and devastation left behind from Mount St Helens' famous 1980 eruption, few wander past the groomed paths surrounding the Johnston Ridge Observatory. It is beyond these paths where you come across the more commonly designed backcountry tra...
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    • Toutle, Washington

      Hike to Coldwater Peak via Boundary Trail

      14.8 mi / 2700 ft gain
      The Boundary trail is amazing. It's 54 miles long and runs for the most part along a ridge in Gifford Pinchot National Forest. You can climb various peaks and viewpoints right off the trail, but this trip report is for climbing Coldwater Peak and hiking up to Harry's Ridge Viewpoint on the way. H...
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    • Toutle, Washington

      Loowit Viewpoint

      From roughly May to September, both star gazers and photographers alike travel to the darkest locations in order to capture something truly magnificent- the galactic core of the milky way. The Loowit Viewpoint is unlike any around due to the perfect combination of it's remote location, higher ele...
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    • Lyons, Oregon

      Henline Falls Trail

      1.71 mi / 312 ft gain
      The trail is a washed out, old mining road making its way through a lush forest with a mix of ferns, moss covered trees, and towering Douglas Firs with trees blown over from wind storms lining both sides of the trail. I call those Big Foot traps. The trail comes to a fork, stay to the left you ar...
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