• United States
  • Ohio
  • Bay Village
  • Bay Village, Ohio

    Top Spots in and near Bay Village

    • Peninsula, Ohio

      Kendall Lake Loop Trail and Salt Run Trail

      4.27 mi / 597 ft gain
      Kendall Lake Loop Trail and Salt Run Trail is a loop trail that takes you by a lake located near Peninsula, Ohio.
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    • Peninsula, Ohio

      Ledges Trail

      2.34 mi / 210 ft gain
      Drive and park in the area shown on the map. If you are in the parking lot near a big open field, you made it to the right place. There are two ways to take the trail from here, south or north. I suggest that you go North first (towards the shelter area). Follow this trail into the woods and ...
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    • Novelty, Ohio

      Hike to Ansel's Cave

      1.5 mi / 100 ft gain
      The beginning of the hike to Ansel's Cave starts at The West Woods parking lot next to the visitor center. From there, follow the signs noting the Ansel Cave Trail. About 1/4 mile along, the trail splits into two directions; one takes you on the more direct route to Ansel's Cave along a well main...
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    • Mentor, Ohio

      Hike the Headland Dunes

      1 mi
      From the parking lots at the far eastern end of Headlands Beach State Park, head to the sign for the Headland Dunes State Nature Preserve, and follow the trail marked with white painted T-posts. The trail is completely on sand, so it's a bit more strenuous than a normal hike due to the sand shift...
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    • Leamington, Ontario

      Explore Point Pelee

      Point Pelee is located in southwestern Ontario, Canada. Although it is located in a Northern Country, the national park lies on the 42nd Parallel, making it the same latitude as northern California, Barcelona and Rome. Due to its southernly location and mediterranean climate, the area is prone to...
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    • Perry, Ohio

      Hike the Shoreline-Lakeview Loop

      1.2 mi / 80 ft gain
      Starting at the parking lot next to Lake Erie Bluffs brand new 50-foot tall lakefront observation tower, follow the yellow signs noting the Shoreline Trail, a 0.6 mile long trail that follows the beach of Lake Erie. The trail is relatively easy, although sections of it require climbing over drift...
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    • Thompson, Ohio

      Hike into Hell Hollow

      1 mi / 200 ft gain
      From the trailhead, follow the Beech Ridge Loop Trail to the stairs for a 1/4 mile to the stairs that descend down into Hell Hollow. The views back up the gorge of Paine Creek are beautiful, especially with the shale cliffside in view. The stairway down into the hollow proper is steep, so be prep...
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    • Alliance, Ohio

      Hike Nelson Kennedy Ledges

      1.5 mi / 40 ft gain
      Starting at the the parking lot off of OH SR 282, cross the road and you'll arrive at the base of the conglomerate cliffs that give the park its name. From there, follow the blue blazed trail to get the best views and overall experience of the park. The blue blazed trail follows the base of the c...
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    • Put-in-Bay, Ohio

      Kayak Put-in-Bay

      This is a fun, short trip.  Could be completed in about 30 minutes and rentals are available if you cannot supply your own kayaks.  The island is small, with adequate cliffs.  It has littered the water around it with fallen boulders and rocks.  Best done at sunset, as the reflection of the sun of...
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    • Madison, Ohio

      Hemlock Ridge Loop Trail

      0.74 mi / 98 ft gain
      Hemlock Ridge Loop Trail is a loop trail that takes you by a river located near Madison, Ohio.
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    Top Activities