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Bethlehem, New Hampshire

Top Spots in and near Bethlehem

  • Waterbury Center, Vermont

    Hike Mt. Hunger

    4.2 mi / 2263 ft gain
    Mt Hunger stands at 3540 ft and face Vermont's tallest mountain, Mt Mansfield. At 45 min drive from Burlington, this is a challenging out and back hike.  The views it offers and the waterfalls you will find along the path, makes it a good alternative to the overcrowded trails of Mt Mansfield. Th...
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  • Waterford, Maine

    Hike Hawk Mountain

    2.2 mi / 500 ft gain
    1.4 mile Out-and-Back trail hike is family friendly and provides spectacular views, especially at sunset. Trail closes right after dusk though, so be careful to not wander too long. Turn onto Hawk Mountain Road, and drive until you see the parking lot on the left and trail head on the right, abou...
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