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Parshall, Colorado

Top Spots in and near Parshall

  • Breckenridge, Colorado

    Hike the Sawmill Trail to Fairy Forest

    1.5 mi / 250 ft gain
    If you brought the family to Breckenridge chances are you're probably not bringing the little ones on your next 14'er summit. Are you looking for an easy hike to let the kiddos experience some nature and run around a bit? Well then this short hike is perfect for you and the family. Plus, it's rig...
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  • Breckenridge, Colorado

    B&B to Reiling Dredge to Minnie Mine

    2.84 mi / 436 ft gain
    B&B to Reiling Dredge to Minnie Mine is a loop trail that provides a good opportunity to view wildlife located near Breckenridge, Colorado.
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  • Nederland, Colorado

    Climb in Boulder Canyon

    Heading west from Boulder, take CO 119/Boulder Canyon Drive into Boulder Canyon. Once you're in the canyon, there are many areas that all have great climbing. For the more traditional climber, there are areas such as Castle Rock (39.9787, -105.4551) and the Happy Hour Crag (40.0033, -105.3939). P...
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  • Minturn, Colorado

    Ski Notch Mountain

    10 mi / 3000 ft gain
    What's not to love - you'll be skiing in the off season! We did this hike/ski in late June, our skis, boots, and avi gear packed with our hiking shoes on our feet. May could potentially be the most opportune time for this adventure. The hike you will take is the traditional Notch Mountain Hike. T...
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  • Minturn, Colorado

    Climb Mount of the Holy Cross, North Ridge

    Just a few miles South Minturn, Colorado, turn onto Tigiwon Road (dirt) and take it about 5 miles to the Half Moon trailhead at . Tigiwon Road is easily accessed by 2WD vehicles and the trailhead should be reachable in the Summer months after the snows have melted.Start early as, at 12 miles, thi...
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  • Minturn, Colorado

    Scramble the Halo Ridge on Mt. Holy Cross

    15 mi / 5210 ft gain
    The Halo Ridge is by no means the easiest route to the summit of Mt. Holy Cross, but it is definitely the most interesting and scenic. You'll begin at the Half Moon (Tigiwon) trailhead, but instead of the popular Halfmoon Trail, you will start on the Fall Creek Trail as it leaves the campground.T...
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  • Minturn, Colorado

    Hike to Tuhare Lakes

    12 mi / 3000 ft gain
    Overview: About a 12 mile hike, with 3 alpine lakes, a significant climb and views worthwhile Photos: See all photos here. Getting There: The hike is accessed from the Half Moon pass parking lot - from the Fall Creek trailhead. The parking lot and trailhead are accessed at the end of Tigiwon Rd. ...
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  • Idaho Springs, Colorado

    Lower and Upper Chicago Lake

    9.22 mi / 2270 ft gain
    From the parking lot, stay to the right of Echo Lake and you will run into the Chicago Lakes Trailhead. Follow the switchbacks down and across Chicago Creek. After crossing the creek, follow the sign indicating that the trail follows the dirt road and hang a left; from here, you'll reach the Idah...
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  • Idaho Springs, Colorado

    Explore Echo Lake Park

    1.2 mi / 88 ft gain
    Located at the base of Mt. Evans Road, Echo Lake sits next to Squaw Pass Road, providing a great jumping-off point for numerous adventures. The park serves as a trailhead for hiking or snowshoeing into the Mount Evans Wilderness, offers picnic areas, and includes a nearby campground with 17 site...
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  • Idaho Springs, Colorado

    Hike to Idaho Springs Reservoir

    3.9 mi / 800 ft gain
    This is a great hiking area an hour outside of Denver, Colorado. It's still easily accessible in the winter and most of the time it can be hiked without snowshoes. Starting at the Echo Lake parking lot, hike around the right side of the lake until you reach a fork in the trail. Follow the path on...
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  • Nederland, Colorado

    Explore Boulder Falls, CO

    0.1 mi
    While the narrow trail is often popular, it's only 100 yards to see this 70-ft tall waterfall, set against a beautiful canyon backdrop. Keep in mind there's no climbing allowed on or around the falls. It is also a good idea to check if the trail is closed for maintenance, ahead of time.
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  • Breckenridge, Colorado

    Breckenridge Troll

    0.2 mi / 26 ft gain
    Isak Heartstone, otherwise known as the Breckenridge troll, can be accessed from the Illinois Gulch Trailhead.  This trailhead can be full for much of the day, so it is advisable to find parking in town and then take a bus, walk, or bike to the starting point of this short walk.  Once at the trai...
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  • Evergreen, Colorado

    Hike the Resthouse/Lincoln Lake Trail

    While the Mt. Evans Wilderness never has a shortage of visitors, thanks to its proximity to Denver, it is possible to find a more private hike if you know where to look. Lincoln Lake Trail, accessible from Echo Lake year-round, is not as glamorous as its sister trail, Chicago Lakes, but is a wond...
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  • Lyons, Colorado

    Hike the Kruger Rock Trail

    4 mi / 1000 ft gain
    Cutting through the forested hills surrounding Estes Valley, the Kruger Rock Trail is a well-marked 4 mile loop to the top of Kruger Rock. The trail begins in Hermit Park Open Space, located just a few miles southeast of Estes Park and is a moderate hike with around 1000 feet of elevation gain. C...
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  • Breckenridge, Colorado

    Hike Baker's Tank Loop

    6 mi / 645 ft gain
    When the aspens are sporting their golden hues of autumn, Baker's Tank Loop is a perfect fall hike. The trailhead is about ten minutes from downtown Breckenridge. For part of the hike, you may have the world to yourself. But, for the road portion, you'll likely have to share with the leaf peep...
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  • Breckenridge, Colorado

    Ski or Snowshoe to Section House Hut

    6.25 mi / 1200 ft gain
    There are a couple routes to Section Hut on Boreas Pass, but the best adds trekking through the forest on Baker's Tank trail. Starting at 10,350' at the TH, look for a trail in the woods that starts climbing relatively quickly. Follow this for about 2.5 miles to the junction with the road and B...
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