• United States
  • California
  • Tuolumne Meadows
  • Tuolumne Meadows, California

    Top Spots in and near Tuolumne Meadows

    • Bishop, California

      Fish for a Sierra Grand Slam in Little Lakes

      Access to this relatively mellow (for the Sierras) trail can be reached via Rock Creek Road off of Highway 395, north of the town of Bishop, California. Following Rock Creek road southwest until its terminus will take you directly to the parking lot and signed trailhead for Little Lakes Valley.Fr...
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    • Bishop, California

      Backpack to Ruby Lake

      4 mi / 1000 ft gain
      At 10,200 feet, the trailhead (Little Lakes Valley) for Ruby Lake is one of the highest (if not the highest) in the Sierra. Meaning you get right to the heart of the mountains quickly. Ruby Lake itself is at 11,200 feet elevation.How to get there: At Tom's Place off of Hwy 395, turn southwest int...
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    • Lakeshore, California

      Evolution Valley via Florence Lake

      30.36 mi / 3238 ft gain
      You can get to the Evolution Basin a variety of ways, but the easiest is through the Florence Lake Trailhead. Here, you can choose to either take the Florence Lake Ferry across the lake, or save $25 and hike the extra 4 miles around the lake. Personally, I would choose the ferry. About five mile...
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    • Lakeshore, California

      Backpack to Crater Lake, Sierra National Forest

      8.4 mi / 2100 ft gain
      Starting at Lake Florence, this hike starts out with a climb up and keeps this up over the next 3 miles. After about 3 miles of climbing you reach another lake, Dutch Lake which provides shade and a nice place to rest. From there it's a relatively flat 1.2 miles in to your destination. Once at Cr...
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    • Lakeshore, California

      John Muir Trail: Camping at Bear Creek

      The trail follows the creek for a few miles as it cascades forming very tempting pools and places to lay out. Try to resist jumping in the first pool you see and setting up camp. Although you really can't go wrong, some of the sweetest and deepest pools come after passing by a few smaller pools. ...
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    • Arnold, California

      Upper Gardner Meadow via Highland Lakes Trail

      3.96 mi / 364 ft gain
      Upper Gardner Meadow via Highland Lakes Trail is an out-and-back trail where you may see wildflowers located near Markleeville, California.
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