Tuolumne Meadows, California

Looking for the best camping in Tuolumne Meadows? We've got you covered with the top trails, trips, hiking, backpacking, camping and more around Tuolumne Meadows. The detailed guides, photos, and reviews are all submitted by the Outbound community.

Top Camping Spots in and near Tuolumne Meadows

  • Groveland, California

    Drive the Yosemite Valley Loop

    Upon entering Yosemite Valley National Park I made it a point to see Half Dome, El Capitan, and Washington Column and several other famous Yosemite formations. What I didn't realize was as soon as I entered The Village was that all could be seen within a 15 minute loop around the valley floor. Th...
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  • Lakeshore, California

    Hike to George Lake

    9.2 mi / 1050 ft gain
    The hike to George Lake starts out about 4 miles after you turn off 168 onto Kaiser Pass Rd. You'll want to park at the parking lot right before Badger Flat Campground. The parking lot is easy to notice and it is located on the right hand side of the road, two pit toilets and bear lockers are loc...
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  • Coleville, California

    Hike to Tamarack Lake, Carson-Iceberg Wilderness

    10 mi / 2000 ft gain
    The trailhead begins at the end of Golden Gate Rd in Coleville, Ca on highway 396. There are very limited signs, so maps are necessary! Depending on how fast of a hiker you are, you can most likely reach the lake in 6 hours with minimal breaks. If you cannot start in the morning, there are beauti...
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  • Arnold, California

    Backpacking to Sword Lake

    Getting There Take 108 to Pinecrest Lake to pick up a free backcountry permit at the Summit Ranger Station. (If you reach Strawberry you've gone too far.) Continue past Beardsley Lake to Clark's Fork Road on the left. Cross two bridges and Forest Route 6N06 will take you to the trailhead (County ...
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  • Bishop, California

    Hike to Little Lakes Valley in the John Muir Wilderness

    3.2 mi / 300 ft gain
    The Little Lakes Valley located in the John Muir Wilderness provides easy access to spectacular views of High Sierra peaks as well as a long list of beautiful alpine lakes.The area is accessed via the Mono Pass Trail starting from Mosquito Flat/Little Lakes Trailhead.  From the trailhead at the e...
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  • Bishop, California

    Backpack to Ruby Lake

    4 mi / 1000 ft gain
    At 10,200 feet, the trailhead (Little Lakes Valley) for Ruby Lake is one of the highest (if not the highest) in the Sierra. Meaning you get right to the heart of the mountains quickly. Ruby Lake itself is at 11,200 feet elevation.How to get there: At Tom's Place off of Hwy 395, turn southwest int...
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  • Lakeshore, California

    Backpack to Crater Lake, Sierra National Forest

    8.4 mi / 2100 ft gain
    Starting at Lake Florence, this hike starts out with a climb up and keeps this up over the next 3 miles. After about 3 miles of climbing you reach another lake, Dutch Lake which provides shade and a nice place to rest. From there it's a relatively flat 1.2 miles in to your destination. Once at Cr...
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