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Ross, California

The best Trails and Outdoor Activities in Ross, California, are a must-visit for those seeking outdoor adventures. The top-rated attraction is the Cataract Falls trail, a moderate difficulty hiking trail that meanders through lush forests and leads to a stunning waterfall. Along the trail, you'll find a variety of unique rock formations and the cascading Alpine Lake. The trail is well-marked and offers scenic views of the surrounding landscape. Another must-visit is the Phoenix Lake, a man-made reservoir perfect for kayaking and fishing. If you're into bird-watching, the Marinwood Park is home to a variety of bird species. For a more relaxed activity, visit the Ross Common Park for a peaceful picnic. Ross, California, offers the best outdoor activities for everyone.

Top Spots in and near Ross

  • Point Reyes Station, California

    Coast Campground via Laguna Trailhead

    4.02 mi / 633 ft gain
    This campground is the closest you can get to staying overnight on Pt. Reyes coastline if you're backpacking in. Once you get there, enjoy the view! The easiest way to get to the camp is from the slightly uphill hike along the Laguna Trail and the Firelane Trail. The trailhead for the Laguna Tra...
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  • San Francisco, California

    Lake Merced Loop

    4.53 mi / 180 ft gain
    Lake Merced Loop is a loop trail in the southwestern part of San Francisco. This trail is used for running and walking. You'll see plenty of people getting exercise or taking their dog for a stroll. There are also benches and tables around the loop. The lake itself is fresh water and is used for...
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  • Point Reyes Station, California

    Laguna Trail & Coast Trail Loop

    4.94 mi / 377 ft gain
    Leave your car on a side of the road. When navigating there, put "HI Hostel Point Reyes" in your navigation - you park literally on the other side of the road, opposite to the hostel. Go to the west and soon you'll find the start of Coast Trail with a tsunami warning sign. During first 1.8 mile ...
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  • Vallejo, California

    Camp at Mare Island Shoreline Heritage Preserve

    1 mi / 20 ft gain
    This old Naval Base is now home to, well, almost nothing. As a weekend volunteer trip, myself and about 50 others got a little dirty creating 3 new campsites for you and your friends!During the day, the island has hikers exploring everywhere, but the preserve closes upon sunset and it's just you ...
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  • Petaluma, California

    Hike Helen Putnam Regional Park

    6 mi / 550 ft gain
    A 216-acre park, Helen Putnam offers 9 trails that are relatively short but can be combined however you wish. Go 2 miles or 10 miles. Loop in and out, up or around. I take a different route every time I hike here.For a good 6-mile hike, begin at the southwest corner, where the parking lot and res...
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  • Berkeley, California

    Stonewall Panoramic Trail

    1.44 mi / 663 ft gain
    From the trailhead at Stonewall Road, the 1.5-mile trail makes for an excellent before or after-work run. But the steep hills and loose ground aren’t for those looking to find an easy nature walk. The incline starts well before the Stonewall-Panoramic trailhead, so you won’t even have time to w...
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  • Inverness, California

    Limantour Beach

    5.33 mi / 66 ft gain
    The entire drive to Pt. Reyes is picturesque, but once you make it to Limantour, you and your dog can both get out and enjoy it! This area, between Drake's Bay and an estuary, allows you to spend time relaxing or head out for a run (keep the dog on leash). If you're lucky you might either get a c...
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  • San Francisco, California

    McLaren Park: Philosopher's Way Loop

    2.25 mi / 315 ft gain
    Beyond McLaren's family friendly playgrounds and picnic areas, there are miles of trail to explore. The Philosopher's trail is a well-marked loop (notice the stone markings along the trail with arrows etched into them). There are several parking lots available where you can jump onto the loop. No...
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  • Oakland, California

    Grizzly Peak

    A well-known sunset spot in the East Bay, and rightfully so - the views from Grizzly Peak are stunning. You have several pull-offs to pick from. The larger ones have logs to sit upon. The smaller pull-offs offer benches and sturdy rocks. Take your pick! You will share the sunset with some strang...
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  • Inverness, California

    S.S. Point Reyes Shipwreck

    Explore the shipwreck of the S.S. Point Reyes, perched on a sand bar off the shoreline of Tomales Bay. It is located in the small town of Inverness, just behind the grocery store. If you are driving North on Sir Francis Drake Blvd it will be on your right side. Parking is easy and you will see a ...
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  • San Francisco, California

    Bayview Hill Loop

    1.24 mi / 184 ft gain
    Bayview Hill Loop is a loop trail that starts with a paved uphill climb and views of the bay facing toward the East Bay located in the Bayview neighborhood of San Francisco, California.
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  • Daly City, California

    San Bruno Mountain

    3.63 mi / 781 ft gain
    San Bruno Mountain is a fun, mellow hike that climbs easily on a well-graded path to the ridge line, and then drops back to the trailhead. Along the way, the trail runs along a creek, ascends through chaparral, and provides excellent views of downtown San Francisco, the East Bay hills, and the Sa...
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  • Inverness, California

    Kayak Camping in Point Reyes

    Like camping in remote locations? Love oysters? This is it! Tomales Bay offers boat-in only campgrounds along the east side of the peninsula. We departed from Chicken Ranch Beach, which is on the west side of Tomales Bay. We jumped in our kayaks and headed north in the bay for a quick breather at...
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  • San Francisco, California

    San Francisco Crosstown Trail

    16.71 mi / 1975 ft gain
    The San Francisco Crosstown Trail runs point-to-point from Candlestick Point to Land End. The SF Crosstown Trail officially opened in 2014.  It connects park trails to neighborhoods and communities.  In it's in entirety it's almost 17 miles long with 5 Sections available for those looking to bre...
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  • Daly City, California

    Mussel Rock Loop

    1.95 mi / 322 ft gain
    Mussel rock, a three-story, 50 million year old rock that has been carried some 500 miles northwest from Southern California, is where the San Andreas fault meets the Pacific Ocean. It's also an excellent spot to drink some wine and catch a sunset. From San Francisco, take Highway 1 south towar...
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  • Oakland, California

    Sibley Volcanic Trail Labyrinths

    2 mi / 144 ft gain
    From Skyline Blvd, pull into the staging area for Sibley Volcanic Regional Preserve, you'll see the sign. Parking here is usually easy to find. You'll find an unstaffed visitor center with a restroom, park maps and informational displays featuring the history and geology of the park. Sibley is a...
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