Madera County, California

Madera County, California is a great place for exploring and discovering nature. With its stunning landscape and abundant wildlife, this is an area that will captivate and inspire. Whether you want to take a leisurely stroll, embark on a daring expedition, or simply enjoy the sights, there's something here for everyone. Come see why Madera County, California is the perfect destination for anyone looking for a unique and memorable escape.

Top Spots in and near Madera County


    Dewey Point via McGurk Meadow Trailhead

    7.51 mi / 1253 ft gain
    Before you start, be sure to visit the Yosemite Valley Visitor Center and grab an overnight permit. More info on this at This trail meanders through beautiful, dense meadows full of wildlife - watch for bears! When you're not hiking among the wildflowers and babbling brooks, you're enc...
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  • Yosemite National Park, California

    Winter Backpack to Sentinel Dome in Yosemite

    19.23 mi / 2028 ft gain
    The goal for our weekend was to do some winter camping in the Yosemite backcountry; we decided on Sentinel Dome as our destination. The trail is a cakewalk during the summer, but winter turns it into a 10 mile uphill grind from the car. Most people opt to head for the ski hut at Glacier Point, bu...
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  • Yosemite National Park, California

    Dewey Point via Badger Pass Ski Area

    7.36 mi / 761 ft gain
    Take the one-hour shuttle ride from the Yosemite Lodge to the Yosemite Ski Area, so that you don't have to worry about driving in the snowy conditions, or finding parking. If you don’t own snowshoes, you can easily rent a pair from the rental shop for the day. Current rates are $24.00 for a full ...
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  • Wawona, California

    Dewey Point Trail

    4.95 mi / 315 ft gain
    This approximately 5-mile out-and-back trail is a great hike in Yosemite National Park. This trail starts off of Dewey Point's Meadow Trail, but you can also start from the Dewey Point Ridge trail, which you'll pass first when coming up Glacier Point Road. This trail is not dog friendly, but is a...
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  • Shaver Lake, California

    Balsam Forebay

    1.05 mi / 62 ft gain
    Access to the forebay starts at the trail head from the parking lot 6,700 ft up, also from the parking lot there is access to two different sets of boulder patches separate from the ones encountered along the hike in.  Hike Start the 1 mile out and back hike from the parking lot following the t...
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  • Mariposa County, California

    Sentinel Dome and Taft Point Loop

    5.17 mi / 1076 ft gain
    SENTINEL DOME & TAFT POINT TRAILHEAD: About an hour drive from Yosemite Valley campgrounds. This trailhead is an intersection of the starting point of the Taft Point trail and Sentinel Dome trail. It is a short walk (and visible) from the parking lot. In doing both trails, it would be an esti...
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  • Mariposa County, California

    Sentinel Dome Trail

    2.15 mi / 390 ft gain
    One of the most popular places in Yosemite for sunset is Glacier Point, but by walking one mile from the trailhead, the crowds quickly dissipate. Sentinel Dome is great for all ages since the trail is short and not too steep. Park at the Sentinel Dome trailhead, about 3 miles from the end of Glac...
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    Taft Point

    2.35 mi / 331 ft gain
    Taft Point is such an amazing and different view of the Yosemite Valley. If you're lucky and you time it right, you'll also experience complete solitude. While driving Glacier Point Road, just a few minutes before arriving at Glacier Point, you'll see a parking lot for the Taft Point Trailhead. ...
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  • Mariposa County, California

    Backpack to Clouds Rest from Glacier Point

    23.85 mi / 6942 ft gain
    Start from Glacier Point around 7,200 feet leaving on the Panoramic Trail. Head down 2 miles to Illilouette Falls (5,800 feet). Once you cross the bridge at Illilouette Falls you go up Panorama Point and head back down to Nevada Falls (5,971 feet). Once you reach Nevada Falls fill up on as much w...
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  • Lakeshore, California

    Hike to George Lake

    9.2 mi / 1050 ft gain
    The hike to George Lake starts out about 4 miles after you turn off 168 onto Kaiser Pass Rd. You'll want to park at the parking lot right before Badger Flat Campground. The parking lot is easy to notice and it is located on the right hand side of the road, two pit toilets and bear lockers are loc...
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    Illilouette Falls in Yosemite National Park

    5.07 mi / 1375 ft gain
    The hike begins at Glacier Point. Find the marker for the Panorama Trail just beyond the viewing steps (to the right, if you’re looking at Half Dome). The first section of the hike will be lined with open views of Half Dome, Vernal Falls and Nevada Falls. It will be hard not to stop to listen ...
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  • Mariposa County, California

    Photograph Yosemite's Half Dome at Glacier Point

    Glacier Point gives you a classic view of Half Dome and Yosemite Valley.  You can get a different perspective of Half Dome if you jump on any of the trails heading out of Glacier Point. Illilouette Falls trail gives you a different view of Half Dome.  This trail is around 4-5 miles round trip fro...
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  • Mariposa County, California

    Stargaze and Photograph the Night Sky at Glacier Point

    The summer months of June, July, and August tend to provide the best views of the stars, and particularly in August during the meteor showers. Amateur astronomers often gather on Saturdays during the summer, and provide first hand knowledge and guidance. Glacier Point can accommodate hundreds of ...
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  • Mariposa County, California

    Reverse Summit of Glacier Point in Yosemite National Park

    17 mi / 6100 ft gain
    Yosemite's Panorama Trail is undoubtedly one of the most scenic and worthwhile trails in the entire national park. The stretch that reaches from the valley floor to the top of Glacier Point involves 8.5 miles and a monumental amount of elevation gain. If you want to see the entire stretch of trai...
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  • Mariposa County, California

    Hike to Bridalveil Fall

    1.2 mi / 200 ft gain
    Since most things you want to see in Yosemite require a hike, this place is a nice change to see something without having to walk for hours. From the parking lot it is just about a 10 minute walk to the falls.If you scramble up the rocks, you can get a nice view of the falls and the pond. It used...
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  • Yosemite Valley, California

    Mist Trail to Vernal Falls

    3.11 mi / 1319 ft gain
    This is one of the most epic short hikes that you can do in Yosemite. Highly recommend it for anyone staying in the valley or visiting with enough time for a 2-3 hour hike. While the distance isn't long, you will stop a lot along the way to take in the beauty and also spend time at the top of the...
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