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Why Some Of My Best Adventure Buddies Are Kids

"Children see magic because they look for it." ― Christopher Moore

By: Stormy ~ Wandering Wild + Save to a List

It began the day my new backpacking tent arrived. I set it up in the living room, and suddenly my sister and I found ourselves on a grand adventure, in the imagination of my five-year-old niece. We sat in my tent, and within seconds we were looking into the wild. Scouting for bears, gathering pencils, and Lincoln Logs for a fire, hunting stuffed animals and using small plastic tennis racquets as grilling tools. I sat in amazement watching her imagination at work. She'd just turned five, and here she was, rubbing two pencils together, blowing on the imaginary flames to get the fire going. Just like that, our camp was complete, and an adventurer was born.

About a month later, my sister and I loaded up the kids, along with some friends and had the first-ever, big family camping trip. I watched this little girl, who likes to play with makeup and high heels, enjoy sitting in the dirt, hauling rocks with dump trucks. The boys, whom often cannot ditch Minecraft, were running around just being boys. There were games of hide-and-seek and sword fights with sticks. They would entertain themselves for hours, climbing on everything there was to climb. They would ask to go down to the lake, and they were eager to go on walks. I knew then, they'd be some of my best adventure buddies.

Now, with several road trips, camping trips and countless day adventures under their little feet, their passion for adventure is off the charts. Here are just a few reasons why some of my best adventure buddies are kids:

We Share the Same Innocent Wonder- I am an adventurer that turns into a big kid the moment I set foot in what I consider to be, my own personal playground. When the kids are with me, we share that together. I am so incredibly amused by the little things. The excitement of finding an awesome rock, or turning over a leaf to find a banana slug - hey guys!! - JACKPOT!! My adult adventure buddies aren't nearly as amused.

Lots Of Helping Hands- It's no easy task getting them to keep things tidy at home, but helping at camp is a different story. They want to be a part of everything. They want to help set up camp, gather wood and build the fire, cook the meals - anything I will let them help with.

My Favorite Reason- The moments I catch them lost in their own adventure. It's watching them dig around in the dirt for some sort of treasure. Washing a pebble to see if it's worthy of their collection. It's glancing into the backseat to find their faces hanging out the window, hair blowing with fury, and giant grins on their faces. - Those are the moments I know their appetite for adventure has been well fed.

Stormy ~ Wandering Wild 

We want to acknowledge and thank the past, present, and future generations of all Native Nations and Indigenous Peoples whose ancestral lands we travel, explore, and play on. Always practice Leave No Trace ethics on your adventures and follow local regulations. Please explore responsibly!

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