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A Day at Paterson Great Falls National Historical Park

Beauty in an unexpected place

By: Loren Kessell + Save to a List

It was an otherwise lazy Sunday for me this past weekend, but unplanned decent weather prompted me to do more. New Jersey's hiking scene is peppered with gorgeous vistas, intricate trails, and currently fall foliage. Impending rain and cold winds foiled my plans of trying out a new trail, but at the first burst of sunshine in the late afternoon I decided to pick up my friend and head to one of New Jersey's national parks.

Driving down Route 80 on an autumn day is enough to set the tone of the trip--those golden and red hues are magical. Upon taking the exit there are a few turns, and then a parking lot across the street from the park's welcome center. Park rangers roam around with groups giving tours of the entire area, and information brochures are readily available.

We opted out of taking a tour and trekked to the falls. Paterson is one of New Jersey's more urban areas, but the historic falls section boasts little pieces of history from the old mill to a statue commemorating Alexander Hamilton. Interestingly enough, Hamilton formed an investment group called Society of Useful Manufactures (SUM) for funds that were used to create an industrial city. And the coolest part? Everything was powered by the Paterson Great Falls.

You can view the falls from a few different points on the walk. The first view is from far away and picturesque. A pedestrian bridge allows for the best all-around views, and that is where I took the above photo. Once across the bridge you can hang out by a stone wall directly by the cascades. The rushing water sounds amazing when the sound bounces off the walls of the gorge.

I spent about an hour total at the Paterson Great Falls, and I would go back again. The falls are cleaned at least once a year, and their September cleaning just happened. People tend to rule out finding natural wonders such as this in the middle of a city, but this park proves them wrong.

Even I underestimated how beautiful this spot in New Jersey would be. Now I can't wait to go back. Life is constantly busy. Sometimes we just need to take the time to appreciate the beauty around us.

We want to acknowledge and thank the past, present, and future generations of all Native Nations and Indigenous Peoples whose ancestral lands we travel, explore, and play on. Always practice Leave No Trace ethics on your adventures and follow local regulations. Please explore responsibly!

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