• Guatemala
  • Antigua Guatemala
  • Antigua Guatemala, Guatemala

    Top Spots in and near Antigua Guatemala

    • Acatenango, Guatemala

      Hike Volcan Acatenango

      11 mi / 5150 ft gain
      If you enjoy stunning views with volcanoes spewing lava while camping in a volcanoes crater at 13,000 ft, then this is the adventure for you.There are a number of tour companies in Antigua that offer day and overnight trips up Volcan Acatenango. They will plan the logistics and supply all the cam...
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    • Pacaya, Guatemala, Guatemala

      Hike Pacaya Volcano

      3.5 mi / 1000 ft gain
      The hike up to the summit of the Pacaya Volcano in Guatemala is a great solution if you're looking for the thrill of a hike on an active volcano, without the exertion of some of the other volcano summits in the region. It is an easier trip along mostly flat, well maintained trails that only takes...
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    • 14, Guatemala

      Hike Volcan San Pedro in Lake Atitlan

      4 mi / 4500 ft gain
      The trail starts a few hundred ft above water level. There's a tourism booth on the road towards Santiago where you have to pay the entrance - 100 Quetzales (Guatemala's currency) or 13 USD. Half the price for Guatemalan locals. Price includes a local guide - I recommend going with them as your i...
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    • San Juan La Laguna, Guatemala

      Hike to the Indian Nose, Lake Atitlan

      1.2 mi / 2624.7 ft gain
      You start off in the town of San Juan La Laguna. The hike starts at lake-water level which is around 5,000 ft (1,500 meters above sea level). It goes up on a steep hill with plenty of stairs. 15-20 minuties you'll find yourself at the top of a hill with a cross that overlooks San Juan. This view ...
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