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Dorion, Ontario

Top Spots in and near Dorion

  • Unorganized Thunder Bay District, Ontario

    Camp at Sleeping Giant Provincial Park

    We drove into Marie Louise Lake Campground in the afternoon of the off season and found the campground office closed. Luckily for us, there is a pay kiosk that takes credit cards (bonus) so after we drove around to find a walk-up site we came back to pay for one night and then planned to talk to ...
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  • Thunder Bay, Ontario

    Hike to Trowbridge Falls

    2.2 mi / 0 ft gain
    Trowbridge Falls is a nearby city park and a favorite among the locals and they say it's haunted too!  During the summer months cool off in the water  and in winter cross country ski.  Trowbridge Falls is a conservation area and is connected to Centennial Park by a bridge. Centennial park offers ...
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  • Unorganized Thunder Bay District, Ontario

    Hike to the Sea Lion of Sleeping Giant Provincial Park

    1.3 mi / 0 ft gain
    Prior to the 1900s, this landmark a lion sitting on its haunches looking out to Perry Bay. The former shape of this natural arch inspired its name the Sea Lion. The lions head has fallen of but the name still continues. The softer sedimentary rock will continue to erode. The "arch" of the sea lio...
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  • Fort William First Nation, Ontario

    Visit Mount McKay Lookout

    1 mi
    Mount McKay is located on the Indian Reserve of the Fort William First Nation and is 1,000 ft over the city with stunning views of Thunder Bay, Lake Superior, Sleeping Giant and the surrounding countryside. There's a small fee to get in to the park, but if you arrive when it's closed at the gate....
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  • Unorganized Thunder Bay District, Ontario

    Hike to Silver Falls

    4.1 mi / 461 ft gain
    Beginning at the trailhead, the trail to the river twists and turns and switches back until you reach the bottom of the waterfalls. Then, you can continue up the hill (pick some blueberries on the way!) until you reach the peak. At the top there is a small pool perfect for swimming.
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  • Houghton Township, Michigan

    Hike to Lookout Louise

    2 mi
    Starting at the Tobin Harbor day use dock kayak/canoe northeast or out of the inlet towards Lake Superior. Stay on the left side of the inlet for roughly a mile. You will pass several small chains of islands so stay to the left. You will come upon another day use dock and you will want to get out...
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  • Houghton Township, Michigan

    Backpack 5 Nights on the East Side of Isle Royale

    58 mi
    The trip starts with a ferry trip to Rock Harbor. Depending on where you are coming from there are a few options. The ferries generally run from May through September and they are weather dependent. Other options include chartering a plane or private scow.Ferries come from Copper Harbor, MI, Houg...
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  • Houghton Township, Michigan

    Backpack Rock Harbor to Lane Cove

    7 mi / 500 ft gain
    If coming from Michigan, take the ferry to Isle Royale from Copper Harbor. After a three-hour journey you will arrive at the park via the dock in Rock Harbor around lunchtime. After registering at the park office you can set off on a great 7-mile hike to Lane Cove, which is well marked. This hike...
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  • Houghton Township, Michigan

    Catch a Sunset at the America Dock, Isle Royale NP

    0.6 mi
    Take the Kneutson Trail next to the lodge for 700 feet and you will come upon the America Dock. This century old dock provides a great view of the bay area and other smaller islands at sunset.
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  • Houghton, Michigan

    Backpack to Moskey Basin

    24 mi / 1200 ft gain
    While it is only accessible by boat or plane, Isle Royale National Park is well worth the added travel arrangements. We took the Ranger III Ferry out of Houghton, MI, but there are a few other options depending on where you depart from (www.nps.gov). Upon arrival at Rock Harbor, the first day is ...
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  • Houghton Township, Michigan

    Hike Scoville Point, Isle Royale NP

    4 mi
    At a pretty even elevation, this four mile trail ranks as one of the top trails in the National Park system. Begin your hike on the Stoll Memorial Trail and continue until you hit the Scoville Trail. Follow the Scoville Trail for another roughly 600 meters and you will hit a spectacular lookout o...
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Top Activities

Camping and Lodging in Dorion

Thunder Bay KOA Holiday
48.494236,-89.13158, Canada

Thunder Bay KOA Holiday