• Switzerland
  • Leysin
  • Leysin, Switzerland

    Top Spots in and near Leysin

    • Leysin, Switzerland

      Hike and Climb the Via Ferrata de la Tour D'Ai

      5 mi / 1000 ft gain
      A Via Ferrata is a protected climbing road created in the Alps made of steel. With a climber’s kit, you secure yourself to cables periodically attached to the mountain, and climb up with the help of steel pegs fixed into the mountain. The Via Ferrata of the Tour D’Ai is located in Leysin, and i...
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    • Les Diablerets, Switzerland

      Hike and Climb the Via Ferrata de la Cascade

      1.5 mi / 500 ft gain
      A Via Ferrata is a protected climbing road created in the Alps made of steel. With a climber’s kit, you secure yourself to cables periodically attached to the mountain, and climb up with the help of steel pegs fixed into the mountain. The Via Ferrata de la Cascade, which literally translated mea...
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    • Château-d’Œx, Switzerland

      Ski and Snowboard Chateau D'oex

      Chateau D'oex sits at 3,100 feet above sea level in the French-speaking Canton of Vaud, Switzerland. The easiest way to get to this picturesque place is by train, unless you happen to be staying nearby with a car. The small mountain town of about 3,500 people is riddled with history, beautiful la...
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    • Martigny, Switzerland

      Hike to La Bâtiaz Castle in Martigny

      3.6 mi / 675 ft gain
      Starting in the Martigny town center, the trailhead is easy to find. Follow Rue de la Bâtiaz across La Dranse Rive and after about two blocks you will see signs to Chemin du Château, the "path to the castle."A relatively easy hike, switchbacks wind through vineyards on the mountainside for 1.8 mi...
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    • Icogne, Switzerland

      Hike the Bisse du Ro to Lac de Tseuzier

      11.9 mi / 1387.8 ft gain
      The trail along the Bisse du Ro has its origins in the 15th-century Swiss villagers who painstakingly carved water canals out of the mountainsides in order to irrigate the farmlands of the Valais. It hugs the cliffs all the way to the Ertentse River, with stunning mountain panoramas across the va...
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    • Chamonix-Mont-Blanc, France

      Mountain Bike Chamonix's 'Le Tour' Trails

      Getting There From Chamonix, it is very easy to get to Le Tour. You can either drive up the valley, bike up the valley or take a cheap shuttle that runs every 15 minutes up and down from Chamonix to Le Tour, and everywhere in between. I took a shuttle up the valley to Argenterie where I rented a ...
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    • Chamonix-Mont-Blanc, France

      Climb Via Corda Alpina

      Whether you choose to move together or pitch the route, this is incredibly fun and a spectacular journey. It is normally quiet as most climbers who come to Chamonix are focused on slightly more hardcore objectives.From the parking area, cross the river, turn left, and follow the trail to its natu...
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    • Chamonix-Mont-Blanc, France

      Hike to Le Lac Blanc

      5 mi / 1657 ft gain
      This adventure begins at the Flégère gondola in Les Praz (a village in the NorthEast section of Chamonix), which is easy to get to with the free Chamonix bus. Take the Flégère gondola to La Flégère, situated at 1894 meters (6,213 feet). The ride up itself shouldn't take more than ten minutes, but...
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    • Chamonix-Mont-Blanc, France

      Climb the Aiguilles Crochues Traverse

      5 mi / 1476.4 ft gain
      The valley of Chamonix-Mont-Blanc is most well known for the mountain it’s named after, Western Europe’s highest peak. Yet just right across the valley on its north side lies a dramatic and beautiful range that cuts the horizon with tall rock spires: The Aiguilles Rouges.Part of the Rouges range,...
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    • Leukerbad, Switzerland

      Hike and Climb Daubenhorn

      1.2 mi / 3280.8 ft gain
      There are many Via Ferratas in the European Alps. They provide a unique way to get to some impressive places with minimal equipment and climbing skills. A Via Ferrata is a protected climbing route, made of steel. You secure yourself to cables (using a special attachment on your harness) and climb...
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    • Leukerbad, Switzerland

      Lake Dauben Loop

      3.08 mi / 312 ft gain
      Lake Dauben (Daubensee in German) is located on Gemmi Pass, an ancient high mountain pass that has been walked since the Middle Ages – even Sherlock Holmes walks this route in "The Final Problem"! The lake has a subsurface runoff and drains completely in late autumn, but the trip can also be done...
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    • Leukerbad, Switzerland

      Hike to Lämmeren Cabin and Lake

      5 mi / 492.1 ft gain
      Take the cable way from Leukerbad to Gemmi Pass. Facing away from the mountain station (north), head left (west) and follow the track to "Lämmerenhütte" (Lämmeren Cabin). The track leads through a small tunnel that was once built by the Swiss Army.The tunnel leads to the glacier forefield of the ...
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    • Leukerbad, Switzerland

      Hike up Gemmi Pass

      2.1 mi / 3074.1 ft gain
      Gemmi Pass is an absolutely stunning place, with its secluded scenery and the amazing views over the Swiss Alps. While people usually choose the easy way and take the cable car up the mountain they miss out on the most rewarding part: The epic trail leading from the village of Leukerbad to Gemmi ...
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    • Leukerbad, Switzerland

      Hiking on Torrenthorn

      1862.2 mi / 2132.5 ft gain
      Start in the early morning by taking the cable way (either from Leukerbad or Flaschen valley station) to Rinderhütte. The trail from Rinderhütte to Torrenthorn is nicely done and well marked so you won't need to climb. However, depending on the amount of gear you have in your backpack it can be q...
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    • Chamonix-Mont-Blanc, France

      Road Bike from Chamonix to Col des Montets

      16.2 mi / 1312.3 ft gain
      This classic cycling destination out of Chamonix Valley is perfect for reasonably fit people looking to summit a mountain pass on wheels. Col des Montets (1,462 m) is on County Road D1506 that connects France to Switzerland, and it was even included in the Tour de France in the 50s through the 70...
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    • Leukerbad, Switzerland

      Hike Majing Lake

      2.5 mi / 656.2 ft gain
      If you want to get great night views on your hike out, start at 2 am in the village of Leukerbad. There's parking at "Obere Maressen", which is also the starting point. Follow the track to Majingsee. There are multiple routes to the lake but make sure to stay on this trail - it's definetely the b...
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    Guides, Insights and Stories from Leysin

    7 Reasons the Tour du Mont Blanc Needs to Be on Your Bucket List

    7 Reasons the Tour du Mont Blanc Needs to Be on Your Bucket List

    Sara Sheehy

    7 Ways To Get Ready for Hiking in the Alps

    7 Ways To Get Ready for Hiking in the Alps

    Sara Sheehy