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Emily KentExplorer

A girl with a photo habit who loves nature a whole lot. A Minnesota native in Edwards, Colorado. Other loves of mine are my two little girls, my hubby, camping, hiking, surfing, singing, cycling, swimming and a good hoppy IPA. Instagram @emilyelizabeth.115

Ropi Lake via Pyramid Creek

Twin Bridges, California
4.87 mi / 1581 ft gain

Pony Gate-Canyon Loop

Kenwood, California
2.17 mi / 568 ft gain

Photograph the Annual Sandhill Crane Migration

Chapman, Nebraska

Wildcat Peak via Nimitz Way

Berkeley, California
4.16 mi / 459 ft gain

Dipsea Trail - Steep Ravine Loop

Marin County, California
3.97 mi / 1204 ft gain

Hike the Upper Piney River Trail

Vail, Colorado
5.6 mi / 350 ft gain

Bike the Lake Berryessa Loop

Vacaville, California
55.82 mi / 1007 ft gain

Lake Marie Road, Marie Creek, Buckeye Trail Loop

Napa, California
5.8 mi / 961 ft gain

Camp and Fish at Eleven Mile Canyon

Lake George, Colorado

Paddle the Boundary Waters' Seagull to Saganaga Loop

Grand Marais, Minnesota
29 mi

Bike the Cantelow Climb

Vacaville, California
19.68 mi / 1119 ft gain

Hike the Humboldt Redwoods River Trail

Humboldt County, California
3.4 mi / 450 ft gain

Hike the Stebbins Cold Canyon Loop

Winters, California
4.5 mi / 350 ft gain

Bike the Gordon Valley to Wooden Valley Scramble

Fairfield, California
13.5 mi / 498 ft gain

Hike Through the El Yunque Rain Forest

Rio Grande, Puerto Rico
5 mi / 1500 ft gain