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Grant Lake via Ten Lakes Trailhead

Mariposa County, California

based on 1 reviews



12.24 miles

Elevation Gain

2000 ft

Route Type



Added by Zack Valle

Nestled in the heart of the Yosemite wilderness this hike to Grant Lake will take you through luscious green meadows and above granite cliffs with a rewarding lake at the end of it all. Whether you're looking to camp or get in a great day hike the trail delivers it all. 

The trail begins at the Ten Lakes trailhead (7600 ft) right beside Yosemite Creek. The first 4 miles start you on the ascent through the wooded forest, however there are portions of the trail that will take you through granite rock valleys marked with only cairns so keep your eyes peeled throughout the trek. After reaching the Half-moon Meadow the lake is now within grasps, 2 miles after the immediate scramble through the granite cliffs you'll arrive at the final mile marker. As you begin your descent through the meadow the trail follows a small stream and forested path before arriving at the lake. 

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Swimming Hole

Grant Lake via Ten Lakes Trailhead Reviews

I love Grant Lake because of the opportunities for solitude. Nearby Ten Lakes are a little busier, but Grant Lake doesn't see as many visitors. Great fishing here too! Turn right at Ten Lakes Pass, follow the meadow for 1 mile before descending to the lake. Please note, even when the meadow is muddy and soggy, stick to the main trail to avoid trail braiding!

Leave No Trace

Always practice Leave No Trace ethics on your adventures and follow local regulations. Please explore responsibly!


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