Kayak Camp on Stuart Island

Friday Harbor, Washington

based on 2 reviews


Added by Michael Gabbert

A unique view of the San Juan Islands. Putting yourself in perfect position to catch a glimpse of Orca Whale running through the Haro Straight. 15-16 mile paddle from Friday Harbor (7-10 miles from Roche Harbor). Gorgeous costal kayaking experience.

The northwestern-most point of the San Juan Islands, Stuart Island, is arguably the most gorgeous island to circumnavigate. Unfortunately, as Stuart Island is 16 miles away from the closest ferry port, there is no simple way to get there in one day. A couple of options to get there include:

1) Once at Friday Harbor find a transfer to Roche Harbor (or if you are taking your car on the ferry to Friday Harbor you can simply drive to Roche Harbor). Set forth from Roche Harbor to Stuart Island – 7-10 miles.

2) Start at Friday Harbor and paddle to Jones Island (6 miles) and camp for the night (check out my outbound adventure on Jones Island for more information on this route). Embark on the journey to Stuart Island the next morning (another 10 miles)

3) Depart Friday Harbor and paddle a full 15-16 miles in one day

Regardless of the route you decide upon, you’ll paddle on a northern route to the island. As you approach the Stuart, you’ll have another decision as there are two campsite locations on the island. The first is located at the end of Reid Harbor at the southern part of the island. The second is on the eastern side of the island within Prevost Harbor. If your plan is to simply visit the island, Reid Harbor is going to be your easier and quicker option. If your plan is to circumnavigate the island and kayak around Turn Point and through Boundary Pass and Haro Straight, Prevost Harbor campsite is your best bet.

Depending on the time you arrive, you'll have the option to set-up camp and set out to explore the coast or enjoy a relaxed evening and head out the next morning. From Prevost Camp, head Northwest along the coast and you'll encounter a hotbed for Bald Eagles and Seals. With Canada to your right and Mount Baker behind you as you paddle west, Turn Point Lighthouse is a quick 1 - 1.5 mile paddle from camp. As you round the Turn Point bend you'll encounter a gorgeous cliffside with hundreds of Cormorants calling this area home. The remainder of the paddle down the western coast of Stewart Island has sweeping views of Canada to your right and a ever-changing, yet gorgeous Stuart Island coastline to your left. At this point, be sure to keep you eyes on the water as the Haro Straight is known for its frequent Orca sightings.

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Kayak Camp on Stuart Island Reviews

Stuart Island is one of my favorites in the San Juans...the light house hike it always an epic spot for sunsets!

The drive from Friday to Roche is gorgeous, and it only gets better form there! Paddling out of Roche and crossing over to Stuart is an awesome crossing. Stuart Island is a little spot that has an amazing amount to offer between the school, lighthouse, and the campgrounds. Would highly recommend making your way along this trip

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