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John EntwistleExplorer

Photographer and Adventurer based in Whistler, British Columbia

Bike the Whistler Alpine Trail Network

Whistler, British Columbia
19.9 mi / 4940.9 ft gain

Bike "Meadow of the Grizzly"

Squamish, British Columbia
9.9 mi / 2834.6 ft gain

Humbug Mountain Loop

Port Orford, Oregon
5.32 mi / 2064 ft gain

Hike to Crawford Falls

Kelowna, British Columbia
2.5 mi / 200 ft gain

Take a Sunset Ride on the Tsawwassen-Swartz Bay Ferry

Delta, British Columbia

Hike to Cypress Falls in West Vancouver

West Vancouver, British Columbia
3.1 mi / 400 ft gain

Camp at the Top of Kafir Peak

Squamish-Lillooet C, British Columbia

Ski the "Peak To Creek" in Whistler

Whistler, British Columbia

Explore Lapakahi State Historical Park

Waimea, Hawaii
1 mi / 50 ft gain

Hike the Wild Pacific Trail

Ucluelet, British Columbia
2.5 mi

Run the Stanley Park Seawall

Vancouver, British Columbia
7.5 mi

Photograph Sunset Point in Tofino

Tofino, British Columbia

Yellow Aster Butte

Whatcom County, Washington
9.08 mi / 3258 ft gain

Hike along the Whistler Valley Trail Lit Section

Whistler, British Columbia
1.2 mi / 164 ft gain

Mountain Bike "Out There" on Wedge Mountain

Whistler, British Columbia
2.5 mi / 820.2 ft gain

Relax at Alpha Lake Park

Whistler, British Columbia
1 mi

Hike Knox Mountain

Kelowna, British Columbia
5 mi / 1000 ft gain

Hike to Mystery Lake

North Vancouver, British Columbia
3.1 mi / 492.1 ft gain

Swim at the Lynn Canyon Swimming Hole

North Vancouver, British Columbia
0.6 mi / 50 ft gain

Hike to the Whistler Train Wreck

Whistler, British Columbia
3.1 mi / 50 ft gain

Backpack Helm Creek

Whistler, British Columbia
11.2 mi / 3000 ft gain

Surf Pacific City

Cloverdale, Oregon

Bike to the Kalapana Lava Flow

Pāhoa, Hawaii
9.85 mi / 341 ft gain

Camp at Harris Beach SP

Brookings, Oregon