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  • United States
  • California
  • California

    California offers a diverse range of outdoor activities. The state boasts pristine coastlines, granite mountains, and expansive redwood forests. Travelers can explore the Alamere Falls, which empties directly into the Pacific Ocean, or visit McWay Falls in Big Sur, a prominent waterfall visible from Highway 1. For those interested in hiking, the Sunrise Lakes to Clouds Rest trail is a notable choice, while the Lands End Trail in San Francisco provides a scenic coastal walk. Whether you're looking to hike, camp, or simply enjoy the outdoors, California has something for everyone.

    Top Spots in and near California

    • McCloud, California

      Middle McCloud Falls

      2.49 mi / 243 ft gain
      Just 4 hours north of San Francisco, McCloud Falls offers a quick hike and swimming hole for those looking for something less crowded than Burney Falls. McCloud Falls has 3 tiers, but the middle section offers the best views by far. Getting Here To get here, park at the Fowlers Campground which...
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    • Pasadena, California

      Eaton Canyon Falls via Eaton Canyon Trailhead

      3.54 mi / 528 ft gain
      The hidden forty-foot-tall Eaton Canyon Falls fills an amphitheater at the top of Eaton Canyon Trail, tumbling into a wide pool that you can rest alongside or wade in. Normally the water is waist deep, but during this recent trip, we found the water only to stop at our ankles as it tends to fluct...
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    • Carmel, California

      Point Lobos Natural Preserve Loop

      7.14 mi / 640 ft gain
      Point Lobos contains headlands, coves and rolling meadows, and its offshore area forms one of the richest underwater habitats in the world, popular with divers. Wildlife includes seals, sea lions, sea otters, migrating gray whales (from December to May), and thousands of seabirds, who also make t...
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    • Aptos, California

      Hike to Nisene Marks' Maple Falls

      8.5 mi / 900 ft gain
      As you enter the park, you'll need to pay $8 for parking via a self-pay envelope, so it's recommended that you bring exact change. At the park booth, be sure to grab a map. The hike can be a little tricky with no cell service and limited trail signage. Once you've grabbed your map, keep driving p...
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    • San Francisco, California

      Coit Tower Stairs

      0.49 mi / 200 ft gain
      There are 2 sets of stairs for Coit Tower on Sansome St. The first set is at Greenwich and the second is at Filbert. The Filbert steps are a little deeper per step and are mostly wood and concrete. The Greenwich steps are a little tougher because of the shallower, brick stairs as you get toward t...
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    • Los Angeles, California

      Runyon Canyon Loop

      2.67 mi / 728 ft gain
      Located in the Hollywood Hills, Runyon is an iconic workout run/ hike that can give you great views all the way to the ocean. There are a few different loop trails/ hikes you can take ranging from ~1.5mi to 3.25mi all with a decent amount of elevation gain. Also, remember this is Hollywood, so yo...
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    • Clayton, California

      Hike Mt. Diablo

      13 mi / 3323 ft gain
      Mt. Diablo has some of the most expansive views in California, despite it's relatively low peak elevation. It played a large role in the surveying the Bay Area during its early discovery. Getting There: To get to the staging area, take Interstate 80 to I-680 to Highway 4. Exit at Railroad Bouleva...
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    • Oroville, California

      Hike to Phantom Falls

      4.2 mi / 850 ft gain
      Dropping off a 135 ft cliff is a very well hidden waterfall with no trails leading to it. But if you do find it, it is an epic natural wonder.It is best to come here in the winter months, after a lot of rain. But it is also well worth coming in the spring when the wildflowers on Table Mountain ar...
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    • Ramona, California

      Cedar Creek Falls

      5.52 mi / 1024 ft gain
      The trail to Cedar Falls starts out at a hill in a residential area and ends in an unexpected spot where there is a beautiful waterfall complete with a swimming hole. Surrounded by 75-foot-high cliffs, a magnificent waterfall splashes into a pool known as the Devil’s Punch Bowl. Hikers have been ...
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    • Mariposa County, California

      Glacier Point via Four Mile Trail

      9.59 mi / 3200 ft gain
      Glacier Point is one of the highlights of Yosemite. The point is located at the end of Glacier Point Road. This viewpoint allows you to survey the entire Yosemite Valley and gives the viewer a captivating sight of Half Dome. It's a little bit of a tourist trap (especially during the summer season...
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    • San Francisco, California

      Mount Davidson

      1.03 mi / 299 ft gain
      Mount Davidson Park is located in the southwestern part of the city nestled between Diamond Heights and Portola Dr. The climb isn't too difficult, but to reach the top of the 928ft summit, you should wear close-toed shoes and be ready for some loose gravel or mud if it's been raining. The hike is...
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    • Bishop, California

      Big Pine Lakes via North Fork Trail

      12.69 mi / 3196 ft gain
      The North Fork Big Pine Creek Trail offers some of the best high alpine scenery in the Sierras. As the peaks of the Palisades pierce the sky with its craggy span of summits you will find it is as picturesque and dramatic as any in California. Nestled beneath these giant peaks are the glacier scou...
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    • Altadena, California

      Echo Mountain and Inspiration Point Loop

      10.16 mi / 3369 ft gain
      The trail switchbacks up the mountain before reaching the first historic marker, in 3 miles. These are the remains of the Mount Lowe Railroad, which brought customers to Echo Mountain Resort, also in ruins, nearby. Explore the historic sites, then head up Castle Canyon Trail. A steep climb will ...
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    • Bolinas, California

      Point Reyes' Wildcat Camp via Coast Trail

      11.19 mi / 1926 ft gain
      In order to make this trip possible, go to recreation.gov and make a reservation for Wildcat Camp (available year-round). On your way to the trailhead, make sure to stop by the Bear Valley Visitor Center to grab your camping permit. For more information, visit: http://www.nps.gov/pore/planyourvis...
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    • San Francisco, California

      Mile Rock Beach

      1.64 mi
      This rocky, secluded beach is tucked in along the Land’s End Coastal Trail in the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. Located 100 or so steps down from the main trail, you’ll find this mysterious little beach that will make you feel like you’re in an old pirate movie. There are a lot of logs an...
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    • Los Angeles, California

      Venice Canals

      2.77 mi / 30 ft gain
      The canals are a fun and quiet place to relax away from the hectic Venice boardwalk. Take a stroll through the canals or even get in a run! The reflections in the water are the main attraction and are great for photography. Spring, after some rain, is the best time to go as the water levels are g...
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