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  • Australia
  • Australia

    Top Spots in and near Australia

    • South Bruny, Tasmania

      Visit the Bruny Island Lighthouse

      Cape Bruny, at the south end of Bruny Island, is accessible by car. To enter the island you must take a ferry from Kettering (view website for times and prices: brunyislandferry.com.au). Once you park near the lighthouse, walk up the short path to the top of the hill and the lighthouse. From here...
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    • Petermann, Northern Territory

      Hike the Kings Canyon Rim Walk in Watarrka NP

      3.7 mi / 900 ft gain
      Kings Canyon is not a place to be missed in Australia's Northern Territory. Located at the western end of the George Gill Range in Watarrka National Park, you'll find an easily accessible but less well-known area of the Red Centre. Both for beautiful light and for staying cool in the heat of the ...
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    • Paddys Green, Queensland

      Explore Granite Gorge Nature Park

      Truly experience Australia's Northern Savannah wilderness at this nature park. Granite Gorge offers options for staying overnight, such as camping or renting a cabin (visit their website at granite gorge.com.au), but you can experience the park extensively during a day trip.Follow markers to walk...
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    • Baw Baw Village, Victoria

      Backpack from Mt Baw Baw to Mushroom Rocks

      18.6 mi / 3933.7 ft gain
      Please note that the weather on this walk can change drastically, so be prepared for anything! The first day on our walk was +15 and sunny and we woke up to a blanket of snow and had to walk back in freezing temperatures. Please note that, depending on the year, you may need to buy a permit to dr...
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    • Cradle Mountain, Tasmania

      Hike Cradle Mountain, Tasmania

      11.2 mi / 5068.9 ft gain
      Cradle Mountain stands at 1545m high, making it the 5th tallest mountain in Tasmania. It is roughly a 2.5 hour drive west from Launceston and situated in the Central Highlands. The hike can be done on the well-known Overland Track (65km, 5-6 days), or as a day trip from Dove Lake. The day trip gi...
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    • Darling Downs, Western Australia

      Hike the Wungong Gorge

      7.5 mi
      This adventure is about 12 km's there and back. You can park your car on south western hwy and walk there and back, observing God's creation in the meantime. When you get at the end you can eat a snack at the picnic tables or even have lunch there. You can also walk up the road to the Yungong Dam...
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    • Rye, Victoria

      Photograph Lizard Head Point at Sunrise

      0.3 mi / 820.2 ft gain
      Victoria's Mornington Peninsula is a stunning example of one of Australia's many rugged coastlines, dotted with rock formations, pristine sand beaches & epic waves.  Lizard Head Rock is a unique formation rising out of the ocean which is especially beautiful at sunrise. The "hike" is really j...
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    • Walls of Jerusalem, Tasmania

      Backpack the Walls of Jerusalem Circuit

      18 mi / 4265.1 ft gain
      This is a great hike if you're looking for some stunning views, but also has some sections of unmarked trail where you will need to have either GPS or the ability to navigate with your compass/map (preferably both!). The mountains are stunning, but as you are at a high altitude the weather can ch...
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    • Waitpinga, South Australia

      Trail Run the Newland Head Conservation Park

      7.1 mi
      Location Utilising a portion of South Australia’s infamous Heysen Trail, the majority of the run lies within the boundaries of the iconic Newland Head Conservation Park, a 90 minute drive south of Adelaide. As the trail section connects the Kings Beach carpark to the Waitpinga Campground, a total...
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    • Cairns North, Queensland

      Relax at Cairns Esplanade

      Nestled between the city and the ocean is the Cairns Esplanade, a large public space including a grass park, many picnic benches and barbecues, the Lagoon (free outdoor swimming pool), walking paths, and restrooms. Cairns Esplanade offers a scenic view of the ocean and surrounding mountains. Brin...
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    • Wooroonooran, Queensland

      Visit the Mamu Tropical Skywalk

      The Mamu Tropical Skywalk offers a chance to walk high above the forest floor on a cantilever walkway that leads through the canopy. To see all the features of the skywalk requires a 2.5 km (round-trip) walk and takes at least an hour.The Forest walk starts out by winding through the forest floor...
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    • Fortescue, Tasmania

      Photograph the Tasman Peninsula by Boat

      Viewing the Tasman Peninsula by boat offers easy access and an amazing perspective of the towering dolerite sea cliffs that you can't get from land. Put your boat in at Fortescue Bay campground and travel out around the peninsula to the south. You can travel for hours with unending scenery and wi...
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    • Kalamunda, Western Australia

      Hike the Bibbulmun Track

      624.5 mi
      The Bibbulmun Track is one of the world's great long distance walk trails, stretching 1000km from Kalamunda, a suburb in the hills on the outskirts of Perth, to the historic town of Albany on the south coast. It passes through the heart of the scenic south west of Western Australia. The Track is ...
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    • Quorn, South Australia

      Hike Devil's Peak, South Astralia

      1.5 mi / 1322.2 ft gain
      While this 2.4km return adventure is a must for anyone visiting the Southern Flinders Ranges, please take note that it cannot be climbed during fire-ban season, which usually occurs between November and April. All this means, though, is that you can enjoy it in the winter months when the area is ...
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    • Finch Hatton, Queensland

      Hike the Finch Hatton Gorge

      2.5 mi / 492.1 ft gain
      Finch Hatton Gorge is located around 80km West of Mackay in North Queensland. It lies within the Eungella National Park and is home to an expanse of waterfalls, gorges and pristine wilderness. From the car park there is a well maintained track which leads to the two main swimming holes. After tre...
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    • Whitsundays, Queensland

      Hike Passage Peak

      3.1 mi / 787.4 ft gain
      If you're looking to catch the sunrise make sure to get up nice and early, as the walk from the trailhead to the summit could take up to an hour and a half (depending on how strong your coffee was). I aim to be at the peak about half an hour before dawn. When the insects of the night have stopped...
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