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Kremmling, Colorado

Top Spots in and near Kremmling

  • Breckenridge, Colorado

    Hike McCullough Gulch to Upper Blue Reservoir

    2.8 mi / 910 ft gain
    The trail first takes you to Upper Blue Reservoir, about 1.4 miles in. Past this point, it can be somewhat tricky to find the trail, but for experienced hikers, the upper valley holds a number of lakes, a waterfall, and open tundra for exploring. Mountain goat sightings are also common in this ar...
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  • Leadville, Colorado

    Ski or Snowshoe to Vance's Cabin

    3.1 mi / 750 ft gain
    Vance's Cabin is a private hut near Tennessee Pass booked by the 10th mountain division. The hut was completed in 1988 and sleeps 16; 6 beds upstairs in a loft and 10 bunk beds downstairs in a communal bunked area around the wood stove.   It's a compact cabin compared to some of the other huts in...
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  • Leadville, Colorado

    Savage Lakes Trail

    3.97 mi / 1299 ft gain
    The majority of this hike traverses through the beautiful forest that is part of the Holy Cross Wilderness. No significant views are to be had until you've climbed 1,300 ft over 2. miles and reach lower Savage Lake. The trail is easy enough to follow with no junctions along the way, and is adjace...
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  • Breckenridge, Colorado

    Mount Guyot Snow Climb

    5 mi / 2500 ft gain
    From Jefferson follow 35 north to 54 and drive up 54 as far as possible ending a few miles before Georgia pass.  Depending on the snowpack and drifts on the unplowed road, you could hike as few as 5 miles round trip or as many as 10. If the snow blocks you from driving past Michigan Creek Campgro...
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  • Leadville, Colorado

    Backcountry Ski at Fremont Pass

    Starting at 11,319 feet of elevation, you can choose which direction to head into the backcountry. Park at the pull-off area at the bend in the road. From here, you can head into the woods to the right (there are usually tracks from other skiers to follow) or follow Trail Rd. to reach some peaks ...
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  • Estes Park, Colorado

    Oldman Mountain

    0.54 mi / 374 ft gain
    Oldman Mountain trail is an out-and-back trail that takes you past scenic surroundings located near Estes Park, Colorado.
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  • Breckenridge, Colorado

    Winter Hike to Quandary Peak (14,265')

    7 mi / 3500 ft gain
    Quandary Peak is a popular winter 14er because of its easy access near Breckenridge, its Class 1 designation, and its low avalanche risk. While the access roads to many 14ers are closed in winter, adding extra mileage to an already grueling hike, Quandary Peak’s access is just off Hwy. 9, and the...
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  • Breckenridge, Colorado

    Ski or Snowshoe McCullough Gulch

    6 mi / 1300 ft gain
    If the snow is not coming to you, you go where the snow is. Breckenridge is a good place to start; this beautiful ski area gets more than its fair share of snow, and is full of stunning trails. Why pay big bucks at one of the Nordic centers, when you can access acres and acres of the White River ...
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  • Idaho Springs, Colorado

    Lower and Upper Chicago Lake

    9.22 mi / 2270 ft gain
    From the parking lot, stay to the right of Echo Lake and you will run into the Chicago Lakes Trailhead. Follow the switchbacks down and across Chicago Creek. After crossing the creek, follow the sign indicating that the trail follows the dirt road and hang a left; from here, you'll reach the Idah...
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  • Idaho Springs, Colorado

    Explore Echo Lake Park

    1.2 mi / 88 ft gain
    Located at the base of Mt. Evans Road, Echo Lake sits next to Squaw Pass Road, providing a great jumping-off point for numerous adventures. The park serves as a trailhead for hiking or snowshoeing into the Mount Evans Wilderness, offers picnic areas, and includes a nearby campground with 17 site...
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  • Idaho Springs, Colorado

    Hike to Idaho Springs Reservoir

    3.9 mi / 800 ft gain
    This is a great hiking area an hour outside of Denver, Colorado. It's still easily accessible in the winter and most of the time it can be hiked without snowshoes. Starting at the Echo Lake parking lot, hike around the right side of the lake until you reach a fork in the trail. Follow the path on...
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